Message from @Pielover19
Discord ID: 436213961579560970
It's about a 5 point Lead for Democrats (45-40)
When you say never are you talking about off year elections historically?
RCP average?
Holy crap!
We would win if the election was held tomorrow.
What is RCP?
The average of all polls.
So this 5.5 number is when you take all of the polls and average them together.
May I have a link please?
Who is this from?
Also, how does this compare to other off year leads?
The buffalo guy?
Republicans projected to flip MN-08, MN-01
Saving them from a narrow loss
Minnesota is key.
Trump has to campaign there HARD.
That would be interesting.
The thing is that we need to maintain a majority in the house cause otherwise the wall is probably not going to be built and possibly no extra funding for border security or ICE
TED CRUZ (R) 47%
@🎃Boo-ton🎃 at the very least, that poll should be a kick in the ass to Cruz' motivation to campaign
Styx thinks if Trump's approval is around 45 at November 6, GOP will keep the House
>44% of Texans wanting to ban semi automatic weapons
check this out
it's the boomers on Free Republic reacting to the Democratic victory in the 2006 midterms, the day after
"It will now be two years of Democratic investigations, stonewalling Bush's policies, stonewalling winning in iraq, implementation of bad policies to make Bush look bad because, ...
... now the Dems will focus on the White House in 2008.
Everything they do will be in an effort to win the Presidency in 2008."
"Hey we had two "good" elections in a row. This stuff goes in cycles. On the plus side, I think today's result increases the chance that we'll be able to hold om to the Whitehouse in '08."
that's rough
"What he thinks he knows is that his OBL agenda for shamnesty will now have an easier time passing with a Dim congress. Clearly he had no qualms about dividing the party and risking a loss in majority by siding with the libs on this issue. Open borders and amnesty won out over winning the WOT. "
"Likely the Democrats will overplay their hand this next two years and help again to elect a Republican to the White House...."
""On the plus side, I think today's result increases the chance that we'll be able to hold om to the Whitehouse in '08.
Why do you say this? All Hillary needs to do is hold Kerry's states and add Ohio, which I think is very doable. I don't buy the notion that Nancy Pelosi will turn people off to women leaders. She will focus the anger on herself, and Hillary will benefit from the comparison."
The moonbats won't rest. They'll want to kick the ever-lovin' snot out of Bush for the next two years. Don't buy this bipartison crap. The want Bush bloodied and beatin' with investigations and hearings. It's the only way to grease the skids for Hillary in '08. Remember the "culture of curruption", well it worked for them in '06 what makes you think they won't use it in '08?"
some of you may be too young to remember that Hillary was the expected nominee in '08
>tfw I was 11 years old, just starting to browse Internet forums at this time