Message from @Walter Johnson
Discord ID: 442055061678587922
Not the Great War
it didn't end in WW1, but the sense of valor faded away since then
Not true
People were still proud to serve and proud of their valor during WWII and Korea.
Vietnam was when they got@the whole "self entitled" philosophy
maybe in America and the USSR
but that was based on a sense of purpose,
specifically a mission for and against communism
a big ideological battle
but nationalism started to die in WW1 and ended in WW2
@🎃Boo-ton🎃 Biden would have a good chance of winning but not Sanders
Sanders isn't that popular outside of Reddit
Don't underestimate that college constituency
The Democrats underestimated the White Working Class and look what happened
I will because their turnout rate is abysmal
WWC actually showup to vote though
Trends change
Whites were dropping out of the electorate,
Not to mention there was that recent Reuters poll that said that Demeocrats were losing support among white millenials
until they started to show up in 2016
There was also the recent New Hampshire poll where Sanders only got 13% despite winning the primary by ~60% in 2016
I think that those millennials are simply opposed to neoliberalism (the status quo of the Democratic Party atm), but would prefer Sanders-esque socialist policy
Yeah, millennials have two issues with the Democrats--
1. There's tons of hatred for the SJWs who are basically the social/cultural liberal wing of the party now.
from white millenials
2. There's tons of hatred for the Socialists among the "Libertarian Democrats" and SJWs.
That's because they're getting older
ie Bernie's base
Young people are Bernie's base
Yeah young white people
3. GenZ is now included among the youth vote and many of them were raised in a culture without much racism and with a massive amount of anti-white discrimination.
And Millennials won't be as young as they were in 2016
4. Bush-era influence on education is starting to kick in.
"There's tons of hatred for the Socialists among the "Libertarian Democrats" and SJWs."
what do you mean
SJWs hate socialists ?
Because socialists don't see race @Deleted User
5. Young people are now at a point where "civil rights" type issues have been almost entirely relegated to history books for nearly three decades.
Yeah, tons of them are like, over-the-top supporters of copyright and so on.
because they need to make their liberal arts degrees profitable
@rs SJWs hate the Bernie Bros
@Walter Johnson yeah, that's true
part of it is due to their allegiance to Hillary, who is a rich neoliberal