Message from @Walter Johnson

Discord ID: 442055061678587922

2018-05-04 20:00:05 UTC  

Not the Great War

2018-05-04 20:00:11 UTC  

it didn't end in WW1, but the sense of valor faded away since then

2018-05-04 20:00:17 UTC  

Not true

2018-05-04 20:00:53 UTC  

People were still proud to serve and proud of their valor during WWII and Korea.

2018-05-04 20:01:12 UTC  

Vietnam was when they got@the whole "self entitled" philosophy

2018-05-04 20:03:25 UTC  

maybe in America and the USSR
but that was based on a sense of purpose,
specifically a mission for and against communism
a big ideological battle
but nationalism started to die in WW1 and ended in WW2

2018-05-04 20:03:46 UTC  

@🎃Boo-ton🎃 Biden would have a good chance of winning but not Sanders

2018-05-04 20:03:56 UTC  

Sanders isn't that popular outside of Reddit

2018-05-04 20:04:33 UTC  

Don't underestimate that college constituency

2018-05-04 20:05:00 UTC  

The Democrats underestimated the White Working Class and look what happened

2018-05-04 20:05:00 UTC  

I will because their turnout rate is abysmal

2018-05-04 20:05:20 UTC  

WWC actually showup to vote though

2018-05-04 20:05:34 UTC  

Trends change

2018-05-04 20:05:49 UTC  

Whites were dropping out of the electorate,

2018-05-04 20:05:53 UTC  

Not to mention there was that recent Reuters poll that said that Demeocrats were losing support among white millenials

2018-05-04 20:05:54 UTC  

until they started to show up in 2016

2018-05-04 20:06:46 UTC  

There was also the recent New Hampshire poll where Sanders only got 13% despite winning the primary by ~60% in 2016

2018-05-04 20:07:29 UTC  

I think that those millennials are simply opposed to neoliberalism (the status quo of the Democratic Party atm), but would prefer Sanders-esque socialist policy

2018-05-04 20:08:25 UTC  

Yeah, millennials have two issues with the Democrats--

2018-05-04 20:08:42 UTC  

1. There's tons of hatred for the SJWs who are basically the social/cultural liberal wing of the party now.

2018-05-04 20:08:59 UTC  

The poll showed that Republics were getting more support though

2018-05-04 20:09:09 UTC  

from white millenials

2018-05-04 20:09:13 UTC  

2. There's tons of hatred for the Socialists among the "Libertarian Democrats" and SJWs.

2018-05-04 20:09:14 UTC  

That's because they're getting older

2018-05-04 20:09:20 UTC  

ie Bernie's base

2018-05-04 20:09:26 UTC  


2018-05-04 20:09:31 UTC  

Young people are Bernie's base

2018-05-04 20:09:48 UTC  

Yeah young white people

2018-05-04 20:09:59 UTC  

3. GenZ is now included among the youth vote and many of them were raised in a culture without much racism and with a massive amount of anti-white discrimination.

2018-05-04 20:10:04 UTC  

And Millennials won't be as young as they were in 2016

2018-05-04 20:10:08 UTC  

4. Bush-era influence on education is starting to kick in.

2018-05-04 20:11:16 UTC  

"There's tons of hatred for the Socialists among the "Libertarian Democrats" and SJWs."

2018-05-04 20:11:18 UTC  

what do you mean

2018-05-04 20:11:26 UTC  

SJWs hate socialists ?

2018-05-04 20:11:37 UTC  

Because socialists don't see race @Deleted User

2018-05-04 20:11:41 UTC  

5. Young people are now at a point where "civil rights" type issues have been almost entirely relegated to history books for nearly three decades.

2018-05-04 20:12:07 UTC  

Yeah, tons of them are like, over-the-top supporters of copyright and so on.

2018-05-04 20:12:17 UTC  

because they need to make their liberal arts degrees profitable

2018-05-04 20:13:04 UTC  

@rs SJWs hate the Bernie Bros

2018-05-04 20:14:03 UTC  

@Walter Johnson yeah, that's true

2018-05-04 20:14:23 UTC  

part of it is due to their allegiance to Hillary, who is a rich neoliberal