Message from @FLanon
Discord ID: 449946040024563713
I think I've got the sufficient amount
It's sad that our Pope is such a faggot, and is ruining our church
make sure to put this all in blue scare btw
Let’s rephrase this shall we, “Ireland voting to legalize abortion is victory for all baby’s who will now have no control over their own lives
we have hell coming at our doorsteps and the leader of a billion Christians is fighting alongside them
abortion slaughterhouse bombings should be legally justifiable
“A piece of old, intolerant Ireland has died”
Whoooo boy
I'll ask to keep this in the respective channel for my sanity
Tfw you’re not even in the same country yet you’re still against blumpf
Okay, FLAnon, this is the last thing I’ll post, but you’ve got to see it
you know, I think I've said all there is to be said
do not treat these people with any mercy because they are not people
they are reprobate demons and should be treated as such
if we so get the opportunity, always remember that
also remember that we're not the ones that hate
How so? I mean, we dislike and sometimes hate these people
they hate the smiling of children, they hate God, they hate virtue (not the fake virtue of tolerance and that nonsense), they hate their nation, they hate themselves.
we simply are correcting a wrong
I’ve got a tweet saying remove all religious parts of school, as if they have no idea that religion can teach valuable lessons
yeah I saw that in op blue scare
Yes science is important, but it can’t be the only thing we have, we must have a moral and a logical center
they don't care about morality
they invent fake morality, but it has no ground
they hate God so they say that morality is subjective "to each to his own"
It has been shown that if there is to much religion, science falters, but too little, and society falls apart. The delicate balance must be found
And it had been
I'd rather the first extreme to be perfectly honest
Look at the U.S. Pre-2000’s there was plenty of science, but religion was still important
Even the top scientist of the time believed in a higher power
That is what the balance is
these demons don't care about that
all they care about is ripping every shred of decency from society
It means that you still want achievements that humanity can be proud of, but still know there is something beyond humanity
Also yes, decency is going away as quickly as humanly possible
Scattering like a scared squid, with the cloud of, “popular culture” as it’s ink
you know I'm not a fan of black nationalism or islam in any sense