Message from @ThatRightWingFish
Discord ID: 449943969456193536
Watch that
of course
this is the thing
these people don't care about any of that
I’d like to point out how hilarious it is that queer used to mean odd or strange back in the day
it still should
They couldn’t have picked a worse word to take over
New exit polls suggest 81% for repeal
NI needs to stage an invasion
or the catholic church changes leadership
Being a normal functional human being Lucy
Also it appears to me that many women in Ireland are diseases whores
So why would I hug them?
The only thing that should be hugging them are the holy cleansing flames
when I go to the gym today, this'll be good fuel
More fuel coming right up
I think I've got the sufficient amount
make sure to put this all in blue scare btw
Let’s rephrase this shall we, “Ireland voting to legalize abortion is victory for all baby’s who will now have no control over their own lives
we have hell coming at our doorsteps and the leader of a billion Christians is fighting alongside them
abortion slaughterhouse bombings should be legally justifiable
“A piece of old, intolerant Ireland has died”
Whoooo boy
I'll ask to keep this in the respective channel for my sanity
Tfw you’re not even in the same country yet you’re still against blumpf
Okay, FLAnon, this is the last thing I’ll post, but you’ve got to see it
you know, I think I've said all there is to be said
do not treat these people with any mercy because they are not people
they are reprobate demons and should be treated as such
if we so get the opportunity, always remember that
also remember that we're not the ones that hate
How so? I mean, we dislike and sometimes hate these people
they hate the smiling of children, they hate God, they hate virtue (not the fake virtue of tolerance and that nonsense), they hate their nation, they hate themselves.
we simply are correcting a wrong