Message from @Borb
Discord ID: 457021751939956756
Things have changed so much I often like a stranger in my own country <:wojaktrump:422438927631384577>
I don't want my kids growing up in a country that was founded by my people but now the people who founded this country are a minority.
It will get bad
The American way of life needs to protected from foreign influence
If we lose
1 People
1 Nation
End Immigration
Make America Great Again
We have to get into the REPUBLICAN Party!
๐ง ๐
Get involved with your local GOP office
I will
And also @Borb you going to stay in California?
Um no sweetie we need to start a third party <:brainletwojak:422441696899629057> @ThatRightWingFish
Not suprising
Where you going
Millions of White Americans are fleeing California
Probably North Carolina
heading back over the Rocky Mountains to which their ancestors originated
I am moving to PA
I like it there
White and Red
North Carolina
Piedmont area
Rust Belt needs more whites
Texas and Florida needs more whites
I think
You need to shift the GOP. Join your college Republicans and if you're booted out, form your own university group.
Fun fact
@Borb So North Carolina went for Trump by 3 points, right?
@Borb I am in NJ, fucking sucks