Message from @Borb
Discord ID: 457021679747596310
Listen to the podcast they have
Really good
I love America
I do too
But I don't like the path it is going down
Things have changed so much I often like a stranger in my own country <:wojaktrump:422438927631384577>
I don't want my kids growing up in a country that was founded by my people but now the people who founded this country are a minority.
It will get bad
The American way of life needs to protected from foreign influence
If we lose
1 People
1 Nation
End Immigration
Make America Great Again
We have to get into the REPUBLICAN Party!
๐ง ๐
Get involved with your local GOP office
And also @Borb you going to stay in California?
Um no sweetie we need to start a third party <:brainletwojak:422441696899629057> @ThatRightWingFish
@ThatRightWingFish hell no im out of california
Not suprising
Where you going
Millions of White Americans are fleeing California
Probably North Carolina
heading back over the Rocky Mountains to which their ancestors originated
I am moving to PA
I like it there
White and Red
North Carolina
Piedmont area
Rust Belt needs more whites
Texas and Florida needs more whites
I think