Message from @[Lex]
Discord ID: 475250151963885578
I'm confident Balderson is a significantly better candidate than Saccone was.
Hi confident Balderson is a significantly better candidate than Saccone was., I'm Dad!
Still. O'Connor stated he won't vote for Pelosi for speaker, has a rich history of community service and is young.
assuming the Monmouth poll is accurate, there are 11% undecided
if you give them to Balderson, he wins at 55%
And this is a district Trump won by 11%, several points lower than the district Lamb won.
It'll certainly be a nail biter.
I'm curious to see how the results fit the Monmouth poll
Hi curious to see how the results fit the Monmouth poll, I'm Dad!
the PA-18 results differed from the Monmouth poll by a magnitude of R+5
well, more like R+5.9
because they predicted a D+6 victory
Indeed. I feel it's less close than the Conor Lamb race but nonetheless, definitely a worry.
I'm also very despondent that in Lamb's reelection, he'll have developed the incumbency advantage which presents significant issue in unseating him in two years time.
Hi also very despondent that in Lamb's reelection, he'll have developed the incumbency advantage which presents significant issue in unseating him in two years time., I'm Dad!
Then again, his voting record in Congress likely won't satisfy his voters.
Keith Rothfus is also an incumbent, but sadly he seems pretty weak as well
Brian Schatz, one of the Senators from Hawaii, tweeted this
Good Morning everyone
Tuesday, November 6, 2018 is...
***93 Days Away!***
Be sure to prepare to get every right-leaning acquaintance, friend, and family member out to the polls! This includes any right-leaning Internet friends/acquaintances of voting age who may live in other parts of the USA...
On my way to the airport
Post proof
Nothing is a better redpill than cold hard reality
>Very Fake News
This sounds like it's actually fake.
Monmouth is biased
Happy Barack Obama Day
It’s the nigga’s birthday?
God damn
Based black man.