Message from @Walter Johnson

Discord ID: 498391139334750218

2018-10-07 05:23:06 UTC  

Mcgregor lost

2018-10-07 05:23:16 UTC  

islam based

2018-10-07 05:23:37 UTC  

he should be disqualified

2018-10-07 05:24:01 UTC  

for being a m000slim?

2018-10-07 05:24:04 UTC  

that dirty muslim and his team attacked Mcgregor's corner after the fight

2018-10-07 05:24:20 UTC  

he hopped the cage and jumped Mcgregor's trainer

2018-10-07 05:24:28 UTC  

he was dirty

2018-10-07 05:52:57 UTC  

that fight was crazy

2018-10-07 05:58:51 UTC  

is it on YouTube already, or do I have to wait

2018-10-07 05:58:52 UTC  

🆙 | **Julien Blanc leveled up!**

2018-10-07 05:59:03 UTC  

I'm talking about the fight between McGregor and whatshisname

2018-10-07 06:01:30 UTC  

3 team members have been arrested

2018-10-07 06:01:56 UTC  


2018-10-07 06:02:02 UTC  

are they muslim

2018-10-07 06:02:18 UTC  


2018-10-07 07:05:13 UTC  

As rightwingers, I think it is our duty to discuss issues, even if we find it uncomfortable in the current climate.

I've listened to some more about Kavanaugh and his legal opinions, and I've come to the conclusion he is actually **NOT** a conservative pick for the US Supreme Court. Trump just nominated a liberal posing as a conservative and because of the MeToo hype witchhunt this has been completely ignored by the rightwing in America.

My comment on Mark Dice's video of the Susan Collins speech in which she brings up his record of opinion on Roe v Wade, the SSM ruling, and the gay cakes outrage.

2018-10-07 07:06:01 UTC  

Shooting the messenger welcome 😛

2018-10-07 07:08:02 UTC  

Is there a source for this claim besides a picture from Facebook?

2018-10-07 07:08:27 UTC  

youtube not facebook

2018-10-07 07:09:04 UTC  

It's my comment. I'll get you the time stamped Susan Collins speech where she states his opinions in his defense ... because she, of course, makes it clear she agrees with his opinions.

2018-10-07 07:09:35 UTC  

Time stamped.
Watch for a minute or two.

2018-10-07 07:10:16 UTC  

Time stamped for Kav's Roe v Wade opinion:

2018-10-07 07:11:17 UTC  

Well I'll look into that more

2018-10-07 07:12:01 UTC  

but I think most people can agree that he will be more much conservative on these issues than Kennedy

2018-10-07 07:12:29 UTC  

Kennedy bascially argued that Gay Marriage should be legal because its legel in other countries

2018-10-07 07:12:47 UTC  

Hey, I'm just bringing up something I believe is relevant. I hope you're correct, believe me.

**G K Chesterton was right, imho:**
*"The whole modern world has divided itself into Conservatives and Progressives. The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of the Conservatives is to prevent the mistakes from being corrected."*
-- G K Chesterton quote from "The Blunders of Our Parties", Illustrated London News, 19 April 1924.

2018-10-07 07:12:59 UTC  

1924 he wrote that

2018-10-07 07:15:07 UTC

2018-10-07 07:17:30 UTC  

Also, see how answering the questions honestly worked for Robert Bork

2018-10-07 07:17:58 UTC  

you gotta put up this bullshit routine of "respect for precedent" to get confirmed

2018-10-07 07:19:09 UTC  

Yeah they more or less have to give vague nonanswers for everything

2018-10-07 07:25:46 UTC  

@reagent That's what I hope it is.

2018-10-07 07:31:09 UTC  

Bork hurt himself by writing weird articles for the sake of raising issues

2018-10-07 07:31:30 UTC  

behavior that makes you a good jurist can look bad in the Senate, because politics is quite different from law

2018-10-07 07:38:45 UTC  

you make a decent argument. i hope this is the case.

2018-10-07 08:08:17 UTC  

Youknow this Chuck Wendig guy lives with his wife and another man in the same house together?

2018-10-07 08:08:23 UTC  

wife's boyfriend?