Message from @coastner
Discord ID: 415305006389133313
"It's the economy, stupid"
New Jersey.
@♠David♠ Norther NJ or Southern NJ? If southern, I think the GOP can manage a House seat down there
also, it's possible to defeat Senator Menendez because of his scandal
Northern NJ.
The GOP may get a seat down there, but I wouldn't bet on it. I anticipate that Booker will remain incumbent.
Booker's not up for election, though
Damn it. That flew right over me, sorry.
It's fine, Menendez is who we're after, if we do it right, we should get it.
I think running someone like Thomas Kean Jr is our greatest chance to get it
We need to keep types like Bannon off special elections
he swayed Alabamans to choose Roy Moore as the Republican candidate and you can see how that ended.
Bannon's career is basically dead now
remember when america was unified against commies
and we could all come together at the end of the day, join hands, and say "fuck commies lmao"
then all the "new age progressives" came
and ruined our commie killing party
if anything at all on a moral level, america was unified in kicking ass
why don't we kick the ass of people who don't want us to kick ass
let them get their asses kicked and dont help until they are basicaly begging
and then we'll kick the asses of the people who don't want us to kick the asses of the people who don't want us to kick ass
@☇MISTER APEX☇ welcome !
where did you find a link to this Discord
I shared it with a few friends
I vote in NH and live in MA during the school year
ah, competitive state in the House races, excellent
Second district
NH’s biggest problem is Mass voters driving in on Election Day and voting illegally
I wonder if that can be stopped
IIRC it has something to do with Mass voters having second homes in NH and using them as proofs of residency, even though they legally reside in MA
I worked the voter registration booth a few years ago. All it really takes is for them to sign an affidavit
A close family friend of mine is the town’s supervisor of the checklist and she caught a handful of fraud cases and got two successfully prosecuted. In my small red town.
Definitely have a lot more of that kind of thing, I believe that NH and NV were stolen
@Kek I just realIzed something! That would explain why most of the Rural Counties in New Hampshire are so much bluer then Nashua and Manchester. Because those rural places have the Mass vacation homes
Like I lived briefly in Nashua (Hillsboro County I think) the one in the bottom in the middle. It was big for New Hampshire and it's pretty Red compared to some of the nearly more rural counties. No vacation homes near Nashua