Message from @🎃Boo-ton🎃

Discord ID: 402234099940720661

2018-01-14 22:49:47 UTC  

Yeah, so methinks people just didn't like Hillary and didn't vote, but its different with the midterms, since there is essentially no democrat that is more loathed than Hillary

2018-01-14 22:49:52 UTC  

I think

2018-01-14 22:51:11 UTC  

IDK I'm not really looking for a red storm since i'm a lefty but its pretty interesting to see what you guys think

2018-01-14 22:52:07 UTC  

the thing is, you have to keep in mind that while Hillary being a particularly odious candidate was a significant issue that worked against her, she also had a lot of media shilling on her side

2018-01-14 22:52:21 UTC  

John Kerry didn't have it so lopsided in his favor

2018-01-14 22:52:32 UTC  

I'd even argue that the media was fairer to McCain and Romney

2018-01-14 22:53:13 UTC  

a huge factor we have to consider on a case-by-case basis is how the media treats each candidate in the hundreds of races

2018-01-14 22:53:36 UTC  

in primaries, recognizability is the most important factor, when it came to the dem primaries in 2016, who's more recognizable, the former 1st lady and secretary of state, or a senator from vermont

2018-01-14 22:53:46 UTC  

same with the Rs

2018-01-14 22:53:47 UTC  

I think Trump's base will be much more excited to vote this year than in the special elections last year

2018-01-14 22:53:53 UTC  


2018-01-14 22:53:57 UTC  

that reminds me,

2018-01-14 22:53:58 UTC  

special elections in off-season years can be gamed

2018-01-14 22:54:05 UTC  

there's a special election in March,

2018-01-14 22:54:07 UTC  

by massive disparities in fundraising and GOTV efforts

2018-01-14 22:54:09 UTC  


2018-01-14 22:54:16 UTC  

oh yeah, that's important

2018-01-14 22:54:22 UTC  

Media coverage helped a lot with that though @FLanon . Media shilled for Hillary 24/7 and was biased for her.

2018-01-14 22:54:23 UTC  

18th district,

2018-01-14 22:54:37 UTC  

this is concentrated with White Working Class Voters,

2018-01-14 22:54:42 UTC  

(Trump's base)

2018-01-14 22:55:08 UTC  

this election should be an indicator of Trump's actual approval

2018-01-14 22:55:31 UTC  

fair enough, and I remember the wikileaks emails that showed that the media wanted trump to win to make sure that clinton would win, but the principle still stands for me

2018-01-14 22:55:46 UTC  

yeah, in elections that don't get much attention (primary races, off-season races), recognition is a HUGE issue

2018-01-14 22:56:21 UTC  

and I'd argue that fundraising is more important in primary races and off-season races than in the more publicized midterm and presidential year races

2018-01-14 22:56:35 UTC  

take a look at FL polls for the primaries and the MI polls before Kid Rock dropped out, they blow the competitors in their own party by miles

2018-01-14 22:56:56 UTC  

referring to Rick Scott in FL btw

2018-01-14 22:57:39 UTC  

it's very easy for people like us to assume that the general population cares as much as we do

2018-01-14 22:57:58 UTC  

that's why we need to mold them

2018-01-14 22:58:09 UTC  

sure, Alabama and Virginia got quite a bit of attention on the national level, but still not nearly as much as the 2016 Presidential election did

2018-01-14 22:58:44 UTC  

I bet you my balls that if I asked 50 random people here in NYC who "Ralph Northam" is, at least 45 of them would have no clue

2018-01-14 22:59:04 UTC  

outside of VA, sure

2018-01-14 22:59:28 UTC  

it'd probably be over half not knowing in VA

2018-01-14 22:59:41 UTC  

also, I bet if you went to some random college in Virginia in 2017, and asked 50 of them who "Ralph Northam" was, most wouldn't know

2018-01-14 22:59:45 UTC  


2018-01-14 23:00:09 UTC  

it's very easy to forget how out of touch the typical normie is

2018-01-14 23:00:37 UTC  

(by the way, is anyone else annoyed at how /pol/ and 4channers in general refer to SJW leftists with dyed hair as "normies" ????)

2018-01-14 23:00:45 UTC  

real normies are apathetic to politics

2018-01-14 23:01:02 UTC  

SJW leftists have more acceptance in the media and in academia, sure

2018-01-14 23:01:10 UTC  

but in the general population they are anything but 'normal'

2018-01-14 23:01:14 UTC  

there's some overlap