Message from @Mee6
Discord ID: 486375863860985866
If there’s something to be learned, I’ll hear it
I’ve said enough. It’s your responsibility to have known your topic before arguing a point.
In order to “displace”, the fluoride ions would have to be absorbed in place of iodide ions at an equal level.
You are correct
Then one would have to demonstrate how that displacement affects the release of calcitonin.
Oh lord
What role does iodide play in the production of calcitonin?
Iodide is needed for the thyroid and all cells of the body... to function properly.
Otherwise you get hyper/hypothyroidism,
The irony is that iodide prevents the thyroid from releasing hormones at an excessive rate
So how would removing a chemical that inhibits something then cause it to be more inhibited?
@✧Mike Flatbird (Mike Blackbird)✧ done. Welcome
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Blessings ! Just wanted to exhort and encourage everyone to keep digging into the irrevocable promises of GOD in HIS Word! Legit, the most amazing truths of HIS promises are personally for each of us that believe! As believers in CHRIST often times it is easier to see these truths as for others and not personalize that HIS Love, Grace and Mercy is for "me" and "you"! Be crazy blessed yall!
So is there any proof of demons
We can have fellowship with JESUS continuously, everyday, in the muck and mire of daily life! So stoked on this truth!
@Soldz (CF) I believe there is a plethra of evidence concerning demons. Why do you ask?
Cause I know there is no god outside of the big bang
@Soldz (CF) I appreciate the inquiry, however we should move the convo to the debate portion
@Deleted User hello =)
@Citizen Z What is up mein?
Not much just working on server
How are you tonight
Doing well, just got done working a bit ago, GOD has seriously been downloading some understanding of some scriptures and I am stoked!
How about you, any downloads recently, lol?
Lol a few i think