Message from @Citizen Z
Discord ID: 562441033699426324
>>ban <@394232739504586752>
<:vSuccess:390202497827864597> Successfully banned <@394232739504586752>
just imagine thinking vaccines give you autism
can’t relate
<:vError:390229421228949504> You must have the following permissions to use that: Ban Members
lets not see that again, mkay <:BigSmiles:556070613224259594>
o dear
If unvaccinated animals aren't allowed on shelters then unvaccinated kids shouldn't be allowed on schools
lol rip unvaccinated adults, oh wait there are none XD
@Thicc James very nice
I have a samsung user and a loving mother of 3 children but I vaccinated one and they got very sick and died and it was tragic I only vaccinated one of my children a stupid decision
When was the last time any of you were vaccinated?
Im bout to get vaccinated
Hope i dont get autism lol
my son died 7 times after I gave him vaccines
!mute @Communist
communist#1581 (333000929920155648) is now muted for '**Unspecified.**', alright? <:THUMBSUP6:403560443345371137>
lovely weather we having
how are the kids?
ohhhhhh wait
rip timmy.......
"my daughter died at 5 years old after i gave her beer, i blame vaccines because i gave it to her *cough cough guns shots* and now shes dead"
damn i thoguht i was the only one who had that sotry
Alright, @hockey_Sean has been warned for '**Bad word usage**'.
are u ok
agent smith be lookin like a knock of trash can
Lol someone told me to put that