Message from @Mee6
Discord ID: 566249258815324180
Heyo Flatties!
Wow my new conspiracy theories server
looks like this channel needs a lot of cleanup...
Read the description to this channel.
Its not for debate.
Go to <#538929818834698260>
what about round earth channel?
The earth is round
__Flat&Round ✅
I believe that the earth is a dinosaur prove me wrong
!mute @Desu Vult
Desu Vult#6969 (331300572013658113) is now muted for '**Unspecified.**', alright? <:THUMBSUP6:403560443345371137>
The earth is a black man
He is my father
卐 Decpacito 卐#2400 (384837096864743438) is now muted for '**Unspecified.**', alright? <:THUMBSUP6:403560443345371137>
stop trolling
Pewdiepie told me to try and get the consert at a little bit more about what.
>>ban <@429190077063757826>
<:vSuccess:390202497827864597> Successfully banned <@429190077063757826>
Excellent btw
The earth is actually an infinitely small piece of a brachiatocrone curve prove me wrong or you are a big oof
LOL the earth is a Doughnut
Omg so funny. You can repeat things other ppl say
@❖ Swiftstrike (DoQ) ❖ @yeeet the Savior do not troll again or ban
<:happycube:507990858960732162> Minecraft people be like
You guys actually believe in this garbage
wait 🤔 - there are Still? people?..this day-&-age> that believe in a rotating, elliptically-orbital, twirling, flying, wobbling, tilted, OBLATE-PEARoid, spinning-WaterBALL, ?? .. ..incredible!
----- unbelieve a Ball
𝔽𝕃𝔸𝕋 o==[]::::::::::::::::>🌍 💨
The Earth is ROUND!!!
Flat__&__Round 👌