Message from @Reviire
Discord ID: 495123506439389184
I think the cost of the degree I want to do is $9,200 AUD per year, for 3 years.
It's pretty cheap, honestly.
*laughs in full scholarship*
Yeah mine was about the same
_Yep, fall right into line_ @Reviire \
Not having a scholarship doesn't hurt me as much, though. Given the great state of our welfare system.
Nothing wrong with falling into line, it's better than living through my life believing shit that isn't real.
Reality is really an illusion
You're sleepwalking, kiddo
Yeah well all the money I'm gonna be earning isn't
money ^
You're living in it
Why live a shitty one
Key to happiness my bro
NightyNite, infant soul
Have fun REPEATING the > 3rd grade ...
if you're lucky.
Oof Comp Sci elitism
smh at humans..
sleepwalking idiots/ BIG SIGHS..
* @ Humans
Can I get a translator
I only speak in obscure Australian dialects
im speaking 5th Dimensional frequencies, me kiddo you? will never understand ..
Yes you shall never understand the beauty of being a failure but hey at least you won't have student loans
What does it take to get to that 5th dimension if you know what I mean Mike
You'll also not have any knowledge that can be used though
I'm currently one right now
But that's okay
I have no qualifications, no experience, my best bets for a job are shitty dead-end retail jobs
You're vibrating in a different dimension
I'm at rock bottom, so at least I can only go up.
"To be a STAR you got to shine ☼BRIGHT☼ even when (and if) there is darkness all around you." - ℳḯкε ßℓα¢квιя∂
thats a good step, right there
Mike thinks you and all humans have ciggy butt brains 5th dimensional beings are GC though. That's the most straylian way I can put it @Reviire