Message from @✧Mike Flatbird (Mike Blackbird)✧
Discord ID: 495123156076462080
In my spare time, I study what I can about mathmatics. Granted, it's not much right now, I'm only on a highschool math level, but I'd like to go further than that.
@✧Mike Flatbird (Mike Blackbird)✧ might have been who you wanted to @
Also, god, it fucking sucks being stuck only being able to do dead-end jobs like retail or customer service.
I don't know how people go through their lives content with those sorts of jobs, I hate it man.
Bruh just double your student loans so you can "focus on your studies' and just do uni for an hour a day and play Fortnite non stop
That's what I do
>Student loans
I'm Australian, $80,000 of ZERO interest student loans
Kiwi $30,000 no interest
I win
I mean that'll still get you through one degree
I think the cost of the degree I want to do is $9,200 AUD per year, for 3 years.
It's pretty cheap, honestly.
*laughs in full scholarship*
Yeah mine was about the same
Not having a scholarship doesn't hurt me as much, though. Given the great state of our welfare system.
Nothing wrong with falling into line, it's better than living through my life believing shit that isn't real.
Reality is really an illusion
You're sleepwalking, kiddo
Yeah well all the money I'm gonna be earning isn't
money ^
You're living in it
Why live a shitty one
Key to happiness my bro
NightyNite, infant soul
Have fun REPEATING the > 3rd grade ...
if you're lucky.
Oof Comp Sci elitism
smh at humans..
sleepwalking idiots/ BIG SIGHS..
* @ Humans
Can I get a translator
I only speak in obscure Australian dialects
im speaking 5th Dimensional frequencies, me kiddo you? will never understand ..