Message from @Hugh
Discord ID: 495123914976919563
Reality is really an illusion
You're sleepwalking, kiddo
Yeah well all the money I'm gonna be earning isn't
money ^
You're living in it
Why live a shitty one
Key to happiness my bro
NightyNite, infant soul
Have fun REPEATING the > 3rd grade ...
if you're lucky.
Oof Comp Sci elitism
smh at humans..
sleepwalking idiots/ BIG SIGHS..
* @ Humans
Can I get a translator
I only speak in obscure Australian dialects
im speaking 5th Dimensional frequencies, me kiddo you? will never understand ..
Yes you shall never understand the beauty of being a failure but hey at least you won't have student loans
What does it take to get to that 5th dimension if you know what I mean Mike
You'll also not have any knowledge that can be used though
I'm currently one right now
But that's okay
I have no qualifications, no experience, my best bets for a job are shitty dead-end retail jobs
You're vibrating in a different dimension
I'm at rock bottom, so at least I can only go up.
"To be a STAR you got to shine ☼BRIGHT☼ even when (and if) there is darkness all around you." - ℳḯкε ßℓα¢квιя∂
thats a good step, right there
Mike thinks you and all humans have ciggy butt brains 5th dimensional beings are GC though. That's the most straylian way I can put it @Reviire
lol wat
@Reviire we all fail at one point but I consider someone a failure if they stop trying to go up
Is shine a new type of drug
Like you know, mike
I don't know, if you at least *achieve* something with your life, you can stop there, and say you've done something.
At least you're not content with being a literal nobody who will never do anything worthwhile in your life.
You've *done* something