Message from @TonyB
Discord ID: 705122205712908408
I would probably stay away from the B word though. It would need something clearly peaceful but firm, that detaches the movement from things that the media that tries to pin it with.
Perhaps something like
"Liberty from Tyranny"
Give us liberty or it begins?
Maybe still a little much
I think any hint at violence will just be seen by the media as a direct threat to defame us with
We need to steer from violence as much as possible
At least in text and to the public
"Honey, fetch my
c̕͠h͏éc̸̷ks ͟and̸̡ ̀͞ba̵l̷an̸c͏es"
"Peace and Liberty from Tyranny"
and a couple of symbols with 🚫 over them such as a swastika, sickle and hammer, and some sort of symbol representing the current government
shouldn't be cluttered though
since people have the attention span of a fly
I can get behind that
could be printed on yellow paper for extra effect maybe
Definitely need to distance ourselves from old regimes and currently leadership
I think fewer words and maybe just a one symbol. There in Maine there is a group that spreads flyers on Valentines Day that gets a huge amount of attention. It should be something that people have to look up so they will be more inclined to read about it
Guy gave me this in general chat
that's nice but it's so cluttered that most people won't look at it
We gotta do it
I would say embrace the Hawiian print and make people really dig
that's a couple posts up
also too violent
I was think the same thing but if you where handing it out it would work but something to staple gets everyones attention
The pamphlet could be a good supplement to something else that grabs their attention. I might even think a yellow flyer with a single word, "Liberty" in big block letters on it
What a PR division needs is a pod cast we can get behind if not one out there where we can get their spokesperson in make one and build ourselves with that
actually I rather like that, yellow flyer that just says "L I B E R T Y"
They're working on putting together a podcast
er another one
Give me liberty or give me death is always a go to
Or a yellow and black bird that says free? Ancap flag style?
anything referencing the B word, death, violence, and so on is to be avoided
you don't win people over by telling them you're gonna kill a bunch of people
We were talking about a podcat with Madison about a podcast yesterday
I would definitely suggest steer away from the use of the B word as well. As a whole with the movement. It’s recognized as a terrorist group
I might try and make something but ill keep my eyes out for something we could use
What about your everyday “WE THE PEOPLE”
And I didn’t even think about it saying the B word forgot that’s like that now