Message from @Dangerlurking
Discord ID: 303930115404988417
So... This person just RT me
This person
I think I will get very popular very soon
You will
check vetted chat tell me what you all think about it
good m8
Wish I coulda made it just for the chance to call Mike Peinovich a Semitophile, but unfortunately it's a 13 hour drive for me and I had an exam this morning
@aab112-LA msg a moderator
Why did the APC gofundme get shut down?
So which one of /ourguys/ will be fighting Antifa at Auburn
I don't give a damn about Spencer but beating up Antifa is always a good cause
I just have to say that followers number is pleasing as fuck
@Hernán Cortés unrealistic i guess or maybe it broke terms and condtions
@Darjeeling Hampsturmfuhrer Pepe will be there.
@Dangerlurking sauce?
I'm going
Will be up in a couple hours
You guys got some good gear?
It's me
I'm the true leader of the alt-right
Also make sure to get some good pics for propaganda later on
I'm actually the leader of the alt-right
We all are leaders
We are all diamonds now
In case y'all haven't heard Steve Stephen killed himself after a car chase
I'm Spartacus
The leader of the alt-right is Matthew Heimbach
There, case closed.
no pepe is