Message from @Nester

Discord ID: 345661126832422913

2017-08-11 19:59:37 UTC  

And it is, but you'll come to appreciate that.

2017-08-11 19:59:38 UTC  

yeah but immolation is actually super straightforward

2017-08-11 19:59:45 UTC  


2017-08-11 19:59:55 UTC  

Immolation is one of the least straightforward bands.

2017-08-11 20:00:01 UTC  

unlike say morbid angel or suffocation or at the gates

2017-08-11 20:00:11 UTC  

in terms of structure, it is striaghtforward

2017-08-11 20:00:13 UTC  

like a heavy metal band

2017-08-11 20:00:15 UTC  

or metallica

2017-08-11 20:00:22 UTC  

the riffing and rhythms are different

2017-08-11 20:00:40 UTC  

but they keep the early metallica speed metal overall structure

2017-08-11 20:00:42 UTC  

as do mayhem

2017-08-11 20:05:29 UTC  

The structure of Burn with Jesus(went through it quickly, there might be mistakes): A1->A2->B1->B2->C->D->B1->B2->C->E->F->G->H->G->E->F->G->C->D->I

2017-08-11 20:06:10 UTC  

Not heavy metal structure, or straightforward

2017-08-11 20:11:28 UTC  

The most straightforward song in the album, I Feel Nothing: A->B->C1->C2->D->C1->C2->E->B->F->G1->G2->F->G1->G2->A->B->E

2017-08-11 20:12:00 UTC  

I'm liking it

2017-08-11 20:13:06 UTC  

I'm listening to it now as well, @UOC

2017-08-11 20:13:13 UTC  

I dunno anything about Alabama candidates

2017-08-11 20:13:36 UTC  

I was worried I wouldn't like it because some tech death loses the music for me but this is great

2017-08-11 20:13:51 UTC  

This isn't tech death

2017-08-11 20:13:54 UTC  

It's just technical

2017-08-11 20:13:59 UTC  

Like suffocation is technical

2017-08-11 20:14:46 UTC  


2017-08-11 20:15:10 UTC  

I'm just saying that there is a risk that musicality is sacrificed for innovation or complexity or whatever

2017-08-11 20:15:27 UTC  

which I end up being interested in but not enjoying much musically

2017-08-11 20:16:30 UTC  

here in after the song is tight

2017-08-11 20:21:06 UTC  

I can't think of examples of bands being hurt by technicality.

2017-08-11 20:21:26 UTC  

The tech death bands say nothing complicatedly.

2017-08-11 20:21:56 UTC  

If you subtract their complexity from them, you would end up with nothing still.

2017-08-11 20:24:15 UTC  

well if it's good it doesn't suffer from being technical

2017-08-11 20:24:25 UTC  

Actually "technical" is a horrible descriptor.

2017-08-11 20:24:26 UTC  

but if it's bad, technicality won't save it for me

2017-08-11 20:24:32 UTC  

It doesn't explain anything important.

2017-08-11 20:25:38 UTC  

It would make sense to group chicken statues with other chicken statues, and cow statues with cow statues.

2017-08-11 20:26:16 UTC  

But not statues made with chisels with other statues made with chisels, and statues made with hammer and nail with statues made with hammer and nail.

2017-08-11 20:27:42 UTC  

Technical = this music is hard to play.

2017-08-11 20:27:45 UTC  

So what?

2017-08-11 20:35:08 UTC  

well if i were going to try to break what I mean down, I mean something like the use of more complex musical ideas and structures like atypical time sigs / changing time sigs; music composed in rare modes or even more esoteric composition approaches like chromaticism or stochastic shit influenced by classical guys like Cage or Penderecki or Stockhausen; music that abandons the pop/rock structure and more traditional classical structures

2017-08-11 20:36:28 UTC  

nothing is wrong with any of that

2017-08-11 20:36:51 UTC  

but many attempts to explore music through those means fail

2017-08-11 20:38:50 UTC  

these guys do some of this