Message from @Nester

Discord ID: 374043521348403200

2017-10-29 03:02:02 UTC  


2017-10-29 03:02:02 UTC  


2017-10-29 03:20:09 UTC  

lmao what the fuck

2017-10-29 03:23:25 UTC  

The more divisions, the more small states, the better

2017-10-29 03:24:40 UTC  

Every independent state is a chance to get it right

2017-10-29 03:40:53 UTC  

@Hagel apparently that girl is some karate freak

2017-10-29 03:42:07 UTC  

Ah, nice

2017-10-29 03:42:23 UTC  

Karate isn't always that bad, actually

2017-10-29 03:42:53 UTC  

It just needs more defence against hard grappling

2017-10-29 03:43:36 UTC  

And it needs to fix its tournament rules to allow punches to the face

2017-10-29 03:44:13 UTC  

it also needs to not block much

2017-10-29 03:44:24 UTC  

just like muay thai needs to get rid of "push kicks"

2017-10-29 03:46:44 UTC  

I think of styles as a collection of techniques, from which a fighter can pick

2017-10-29 03:47:00 UTC  

That's how I judge their quality

2017-10-29 03:47:30 UTC  

Muay Thai may have some needless fat, but there's so much of value in there, that I have to think of it highly

2017-10-29 03:48:32 UTC  

muay thai is like 10% fat

2017-10-29 03:55:21 UTC  

Exilarch - Today at 12:41 AM
what the fuck is gross about that"

2017-10-29 03:55:24 UTC  

She's a man

2017-10-29 03:56:42 UTC  

@Nester VOICE?

2017-10-29 04:00:40 UTC  

I think we should all agree that Asian men and women both are kinda gross

2017-10-29 04:21:05 UTC  
2017-10-29 04:21:32 UTC  

European women are sometimes the kind of woman you would bring if you were to found a new colony, as a pioneer to a new land
They're more capable than other women. They can protect your children somewhat while you are out hunting
Non Europeans never see the appeal of that, because it's not in their race's spirit to pioneer and colonize
When you're founding a new colony, you can't afford dead weight
That's also why you'll sometimes see 2 meter tall women with brow ridges of doom and Aryan stares at nazi demonstrations in Sweden
but you'll never find an Arabic woman like that. They don't exist

2017-10-29 04:25:36 UTC  

@Nester what, the asian girl?

2017-10-29 04:26:37 UTC  

nothing manly about her at all, she just has a really clean body

2017-10-29 04:27:54 UTC  

holy shit her body is clean, she's like a comic book character

2017-10-29 04:28:26 UTC  

She's still only 60% as strong as an athletic man

2017-10-29 04:28:28 UTC  


2017-10-29 04:28:36 UTC  

Nester's standards are just middle eastern

2017-10-29 04:28:42 UTC  

as an athletic man? she's 30% as strong tops

2017-10-29 04:28:54 UTC  

Yeah, that's more like it

2017-10-29 04:29:07 UTC  


2017-10-29 04:29:13 UTC  

Nester: Man / 10, would not bang

2017-10-29 04:29:43 UTC  

in all honesty middle eastern men are fucking pathetic

2017-10-29 04:29:51 UTC  

Yes, they are

2017-10-29 04:30:07 UTC  

soft fatbodies with a bunch of servants