Message from @Exilarch
Discord ID: 401584489047916575
I'm prozak's diversity hire
Unsurprisingly, the article biases HARD, while managing to be typically ignorant pop-left
yall alt right?
I wonder if, just as he says that "the Nazis" appropriated ancient European symbols, he would also say that the Chinese or the Native Americans of today revived the use of their forebears' symbols would also be "appropriating".
How do they manage to always forward the narrative that Europeans are "appropriators" and "colonizers" even in their own land and with respect to their own ancestral customs?
I'm polish and italian, should I breed?
No, polish people shouldn't breed
Do you look like this? If yes, then no. @༺པརབྱར།བསངཇ༻
I look like this guy but more pale
Don't tell Exilarch or he'll use his 'online macho-ness' to race exterminate my virtual self, but I look like this, but more distinguished (and so more hefty), despite living in my mom's basement and never having a girlfriend:
You're thinner but yeah 98%
That was back in the day. Alas, doritos, pizza, soft drinks and hanging out with the superior race around here on Discord has changed that.
recent selfie
@devolved , don't half of the members on this group kinda look like that?
Get on my diet of avocado and burritos with french fries
Classic devolved one syllable
i don't know why these are .gifs
@Ramen @diversity_is_racism all i got from that mic article is "whahhahhha the right are stealing leftist stuff whahahhaha!!!"
also, rule 1 of jewish history is on display - when you see an expert on something right wing, always always alwayw suspect there is a jewish historian portraying it as a> insignificant and when that fails b> dangerous and in need of banning
“The stability and monumentalism of these male heads and male torsos is comforting to young men as a model of a great man. A warrior — the beautiful, perfect male who is ‘European,’” Ben-Ghiat told Mic in an interview. “The joke is that the purity never existed in these cultures, so it’s quite a fantasy, but it’s a compelling fantasy.”
lel no, those are idealzed from plato's theory of forms and the fact that the jewish historian portrays it as fanasy is either dumb or dishonest
Jodorowsky and Kubrick are based jews
I'll give it to them they had some great films
the jews
they might have made shit music but man their cinema is endearing