Message from @devolved
Discord ID: 403705433388351488
CARJACK please link yarfy to that sub
Bro you don't get it, that NEEDS to happen
should I tell him you found it?
Imagine a bunch of retard leftists wearing their noose and standing on the chair while posting
Then yarfy suddenly arrives
This business of sending him to this sub could end up being the single funniest thing I ever did
sent the links to those two threads and just said it's a comedy subreddit
Somewhat of a dry read but if you are into learning about White as much as I am then you will enjoy the evidence provided for the second chapter.
Hahaha so excited
Retards should know better than to trust the internet
Lawl is he claiming authorship of Dion fortunes definition? What a loser
He left a bit out
"that which doesn't kill me makes me stronger - Fred N "
- Vigilance
Magikkk confuses, mesmerizes, bamboozles, and bedazzles
the original fashwave
bodhiaSSattva @devolved
Sadhu satanas
‘We will prosecute’ employers who help immigration sweeps, California AG says this is why #GamerGate fought back against sjws in games. this is what happens when feminists learn to code
Are you sure a feminist coded this, rather than pay a white cis male to do it for her?
saw that on steam today
valve should be ashamed of themselves
yea they wre live streaming it and the chick talking was acting like she was the dev. i'm sure it will go over real well with the tards at polygon and kotaku. the voices of the "Males" in the chat with her were full of soy
The Genital Jousting video game is a good example of why authoritarianism is vastly superior to liberty
And here is another example
Yet another example