Message from @ISpy
Discord ID: 554223967980879892
is it healthy though
not really.
yet people still do it, like me.
really makes me question doing drugs or drinking
how come
because i dont want to get addicted to either
i see, i use to be addicted to drugs from the age of 16 to 19. Then i replaced the drugs with alcohol was addicted to that from 19 to 21. Now im not addicted to either, but i still both on the weekends.
how does one get into that kind of stuff if you dont mind me asking
well when i was teen, i just wanted to have fun & be happy. Fell on the drugs, cause at that age i liked being alone because i was a quiet person.
the quietness got to you
demons are truly the worse type of drug my dude
to be honnest
i've seen a demon before when i was on a few drugs.
well cocaine is one hell of a drug ive heard
diffrent drugs open up different gateways.
for example, i know alot of good girls.
get them drunk, you will see something else.
why did that sound lowkey rapey
maybe because it did
but im tired
its already 5 am
and i have a lot of dance stuffs to do tomorrow
night night
MJ12 confirmed
Hl2 Confirmed
I have a joke conspiracy.
The reason hl3 was canceled is that if it happens, the combine will come.
Because the game is so hyped aliens from every planet will go and try to buy it.
And therefore the government as hid it from us because they want to keep the game for themselves.
I heard it was a big 🖕🏻 to Bill Gates from Gabe Newell becaues he didn't agree with him on a great many things and refused to work on Windows 3
The only hope is Half Life 2 Episode 2 Part 2
The earth is ?????
@lil uwuzi vert The Earth is Apparently mostly locally flat under certain weather conditions
how would that work
im interested in ur religion