
Discord ID: 487042570845945856

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2019-03-04 03:00:26 UTC [The Ice Wall #members-log]  

2019-03-04 03:04:09 UTC [The Ice Wall #members-log]  

I believe in earth being a tesseract is that ok.

2019-03-04 03:05:13 UTC [The Ice Wall #members-log]  

Hard to explain.

2019-03-04 03:15:59 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

Why do you use tabloids as sources.

2019-03-04 04:15:18 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

But what about the ones that disprove your point.

2019-03-04 04:15:25 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  


2019-03-04 04:15:38 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

If you wanna find the truth, you have to accept the possibility of being wrong.

2019-03-04 08:18:05 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  


2019-03-04 08:18:13 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

Man, are you okay.

2019-03-04 08:18:44 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

Don't ping me when I'm here.

2019-03-04 08:18:50 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

And I'm doing fine thank you.

2019-03-04 16:48:56 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

My free speech has been restrained.

2019-03-04 16:49:06 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

I can't tell people to not ping me when I'm here anymore.

2019-03-04 16:49:49 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

And I was polite too sadly.

2019-03-04 16:51:53 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

That's not being rude, that's being honest. I don't like when people ping me for nothing, and I expressed it in a calm and polite manner. Please stop censoring me.

2019-03-04 16:58:01 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

I didn't know this was a christian minecraft server. I literally said "Don't ping me when I'm here.
And I'm doing fine thank you."

Are you going to tell me I'm in the wrong because I forgot to say "please"? If anything it's not an aggressive tone and more like "Hey you don't need ping me, I'm already here.".

2019-03-04 16:58:35 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

If you're going to advocate free speech and anti-censoring, then don't censor me like that for something so slight. Holy shit.

2019-03-04 16:59:20 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

The guy literally doesn't owe me anything, if he wanted he could've kept doing it. I simply told him not to because it was pointless.

2019-03-04 17:00:29 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

Sorry for not abiding to your christian minecraft roblox friendly and fortnite streaming server.

2019-03-04 17:00:58 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

Hey, look I'm gonna swear. "Fuck" Holy shit.

2019-03-04 17:08:17 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

Listen I understand it might've came as rude, but that's not my intent.

2019-03-04 17:08:35 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

Apologies for doing so, but to say it's the rudest comment you've ever seen is quite a stretch imo.

2019-03-04 17:10:32 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

Also please don't ping me in everywhere of your single messages when I'm there, thank you. There's point in doing so because ping is something you usually use to get someone's attention. But if you already got it, I doubt there's any point to it.

2019-03-04 17:13:06 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

They shouldn't but at a certain age the fetus is probably alive.

2019-03-04 17:13:33 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

It's not because one makes a mistake that they only allowed to feel the full consequences instead of repairing the damage done.

2019-03-04 17:14:13 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

But at some point, I think it's agreeable that it could be considered a baby. That's why if you're pregnant by accident, abort from the start. (Unless it's too late)

2019-03-04 17:17:40 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

It's not easy to answer.

2019-03-04 17:17:46 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

You can't ask the fetus if it wants to live.

2019-03-04 17:18:18 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

But if you let it live as an accident, there are chances it will be treated as an accident.

2019-03-04 17:18:26 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

Instead of curing a disease, prevent it.

2019-03-04 17:18:40 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

Mistakes do happen, but if you can prevent you should.

2019-03-04 17:19:00 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

Life is about consent, you can kill yourself at any time. Well most of the time.

2019-03-04 17:19:35 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

It's idiotic but if they are right it's not.

2019-03-04 17:19:51 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

It's idiotic if the vaccines aren't fake, but it's smart if it's fake.

2019-03-04 17:20:20 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

We're dealing with uncertainty here.

2019-03-04 17:20:25 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

It's a thing of both sides.

2019-03-04 17:20:56 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

Facts are a subjective opinion that is acknowledge by a massive group of people.

2019-03-04 17:21:04 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

You can look up what a fact is.

2019-03-04 17:21:23 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

You are not good at debates.

2019-03-04 17:21:34 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

I disagree with many conspiracies, but you're attacking it wrongly.

2019-03-04 17:21:39 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

"Science doesn't work that way."

2019-03-04 17:22:05 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

Science is ever changing.

2019-03-04 17:22:39 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

I'm listening.

2019-03-04 17:23:44 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

Skeptical thinking is a good thing.

2019-03-04 17:23:54 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

But you have to learn when to have faith.

2019-03-04 17:24:36 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

I'm not talking about religious faith.

2019-03-04 17:24:53 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

When someone tells you "trust me jump into my arms."

2019-03-04 17:25:12 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

You have to have faith when right, and think skeptically when wrong.

2019-03-04 17:25:39 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

But evidence can be falsified.

2019-03-04 17:27:09 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

I'l be using text.

2019-03-04 17:27:15 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

I'M better at expressing myself through text.

2019-03-04 17:27:33 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  


2019-03-04 17:28:00 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

I mean it's common sense.

2019-03-04 17:28:10 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

It's like saying because x did a that x will always do a.

2019-03-04 17:29:48 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

You there?

2019-03-04 17:33:14 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

I'm there.

2019-03-04 17:34:10 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

Vaccines are not perfect but they are genetically modified cells (usually of the disease itself) to be harmless so that the body can train it's immunity against it.

2019-03-04 17:47:52 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

They are not perfect, I can draw a parallel to this: If you use the same 'pest control' tactic against rats, they will eventually adapt to outsmart it. That's why when you reuse the same poison over and over, they may eventually develop an innate immunity. Also sometimes in rare cases, for x reasons vaccines can cause the actual disease. (X stands for any situation with different variables ex: non sterilized syringes, mistakes in genetic compound, etc whatever you could think of that would be possible even if unlikely.)

But, my opinion how that measle managed to infect the vaccined. Is that the measles probably was exposed to the vaccined people because of the host not being vaccined. (Think of it as you being on the other side of the canyon and eventually creating a bridge to the other side. The bridge being mutation in genetics to adapt.

However what I meant earlier is that while it's true vaccines are important if they are real. Is that it's kind of a dilemma I can't explain. I do think this vaccine conspiracy is unlikely and I really am not in the strong forte of believing it. But I have not dissected an actual vaccine myself (It'd require me to have some basis knowledge in that field mind you, and some plan to get my hands on it either) What I meant is that while if vaccines are real, they work. My point is that I wanna stay open to a paradigm shift that they are not.

I am not sure if you understand, my line of thinking is quite unorthodox. I agree with science but I also like to use creativity/logic simultaneously. I disagree with statistics even if they can be useful sometimes, but each situation is different. (May it be by only one atom particle to be different) While reusing the same tactic can work, it will not always work. (That's what I think over what you said about stats earlier)

2019-03-04 17:47:59 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

Gotta seperate in two because discord text limit.

2019-03-04 17:48:17 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

Otherwise by faith I probably didn't express it right. What I meant is that sometimes lies can happen. When someone tells you that the bible cannot have lies I chuckle (even if it might be true.). There's still the possibility that there might be lies, because remember that it may look good but is it really? If god cannot create a boulder that he himself can't lift. Then would that mean that he is imperfect. Either way the bible could of been a conspiracy itself or blah blah x reason for it to contain such lies.

I also think the same of science, sometimes things can look good even if you don't understand them. But you have to do your research sometimes and be open minded that you might be wrong. (Even if the truth ends up being ugly or hard to accept)

2019-03-04 17:53:44 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

From what vaccines supposedly inject you, the alluminum content is not lethal.

2019-03-04 17:57:56 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

I agree that it may cause a problem where paradoxes occur everywhere, but sometimes charging full front can solve paradoxes. But sometimes not, so you have to think of another way to solve it.

2019-03-04 17:58:17 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

Also, I like to think that science theories or "facts" should still be testable.

2019-03-04 17:58:24 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

Also, are you there because I can't hear you for some reason

2019-03-04 17:58:57 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

Alluminum is an innate tinfoil hat.

2019-03-04 17:58:59 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

Change my mind.

2019-03-04 17:59:45 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

But yeah I agree with a lot of things you say, but the things I disagree I just can't really express correctly my thoughts.

2019-03-04 18:00:02 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

They are abstract and I don't really know the terms or sentences I should use to explain them.

2019-03-04 18:01:11 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

Moral or not, if it meant survival of those who I care about.

2019-03-04 18:01:17 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

I'd be willing to sacrifice myself and make a good steak.

2019-03-04 18:01:39 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

Sure, I'd rather avoid that because I don't want them to feel bad for eating me.

2019-03-04 18:01:59 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

Yeah, something like that I think. @ZeroT

2019-03-04 18:05:23 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

I wouldn't.

2019-03-04 18:13:28 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

Oh damn, that accent tho.

2019-03-04 18:14:16 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

You are literally the extreme opposite of people who mention fish eye lens whenever you try to disprove flat earth with a video.

2019-03-04 18:14:23 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

Not any better if you ask me.

2019-03-04 18:14:47 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  


2019-03-04 18:20:25 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

Basically viruses are a glitch caused by hackers that found out how to to tap into the simulation verse.

2019-03-04 18:20:34 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

To kill us and wake us up in the real world.

2019-03-04 18:20:48 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

I'm joking.

2019-03-04 18:23:29 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

I'm probably gonna drop out from the vc from now, I'm feeling comical right now. And I don't wanna disturb the current discussion.

2019-03-04 18:24:45 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

Actually I just had a thought from what you said gwench.

2019-03-04 18:33:15 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

Human sheeple, the guy is german and having a hard time trying to voice his thoughts in english.

2019-03-04 18:34:13 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

Gwench once tonin is done with what he's saying atm, I got something to say.

2019-03-04 18:37:02 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

IS my microphone working right, because the wire is faulty sometimes.

2019-03-04 18:37:58 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

Can someone unmute me?

2019-03-04 18:38:03 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

Not sure why I was muted.

2019-03-04 18:44:34 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

Lost a great man.

2019-03-04 18:45:14 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

I debunked it.

2019-03-04 18:45:50 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

That we lost a great man ;c

2019-03-04 18:47:01 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

I'd recommend using text if you can sheeple.

2019-03-04 18:52:17 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

I feel like this is overexagerrated

2019-03-04 18:57:18 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

My mic is having hiccups.

2019-03-04 19:02:15 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

I just said "don't attack the messsenger" but attack the "message" but this parallel is wrong now that I think about it.

2019-03-04 19:02:28 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

I mean that instead of attacking the person, attack the argument instead.

2019-03-04 19:03:13 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

See you have to know that.

2019-03-04 19:03:28 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

Antagonizing someone will only cause them to antagonize you in most situations.

2019-03-04 19:03:51 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

If your goal is to "tell them the truth" listen to them, do not interrupt them and debunk them in a respectful way where they don't feel attacked.

2019-03-04 19:06:18 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

And now this became an argument instead of a debate.

2019-03-04 19:06:25 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

So I'l see myself out, I'm kinda bored.

476 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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