Message from @!Co-Owner!
Discord ID: 363324325681692672
which is why increasing it is awesome
2013 so not very recent, about 50% of "middle class"
in 2013 i believe the irs said 63% took standardized deductions
so is there a personal exemption you can take in addition to standard?
my understanding is once you tak standard thats it your done
I probably itemize right now
Although the only deduction I can take is my mortgage
so there no personal exemption that u take?
ok media is wrong then the trump plan is awesome 😃
I don't get to claim a lot of personal exemptions
I get my 2500/year claim for student loans
And I'm not even sure that actually does anything fo rme
The normal stuff that people itemize (kids, kidcare, health costs, etc) I have none of
Trump’s tax plan makes sense if a fair tax/flat rate were passed
Yeah boi
nice box m8
Liberal > Kekistan
but come on they have a sweet flag
I would love to have a flat tax passed in the USA
with possible tax reductions for groups that are in very desperate poverty
(if they are employed, no free gives)
What do you think about the new tax plan?
I think it will produce a very good business enviroment
Kekistan gets a bad rap
They’re the only ones going into the streets doing anything and they’re relatively harmless
Ok I wanna get serious up in here
So the jews run everything right
and they're also trying to destroy white people
but white people pretty much are the main producers of everything, so what happens then
jews get screwed along with the rest of the ethnicities
I don’t think the Jews run everything
Lets just assume they do for this conversation
They want to destroy the people who invent, take care of, produce and buy their shit. The only people left would be the welfare losers
won't be able to feed itself without the daddy
Well the unintended end game of Marxists is rich and poor
Always rich and poor will be left because Marxism is about power
And keeping that power. As long as you have that enemy of the common man, you have that communism