Human Supremacist
Discord ID: 215640199160397824
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What happened here
Im from a CC refugee camp we want the truth
@Stabbing TIME_ Thrawn daddy hold me
smh im only a 6'2" nordic
im a manlet
They should have banned slavery during the revolution
the black population would be much lower
@Kaine calm yourself
At least the dick is white
@bandit Stfu
We live on
THis means we go further to the right its only good
wtf is a proud boy
I think that it was just the owner tried pressing dirty shit on people
CC was great the night of the election
So many people
I don't mean dirty per se I mean he was a furry
Did 8 values updates their closest match ideologies there seem to be more of them
I think he is on the spectrum
@LOCKE HOLMES Dont insult my father you bastard
Of course
George Lincoln Rockwell > Mosley though @LOCKE HOLMES
Fair enough
Benito is low tier though
Rockwell was the sexiest man that ever lived
@LOCKE HOLMES Yeah i was thinking about that to
i put him there cause most normies would say he was
How long where the abos seperated from the rest of mankind again?
@LOCKE HOLMES Oh he got redpilled after going full cuck
at least 60,000 years apparently
Honestly they are probably a subspecies, like seriously 60,000 years
They our still human just a supspecies
viable offspring can still be made
There werent taht many abos
The word you are looking for is subspecies
Neanderthals are what gave white people, mongoloids, and chinese their superior intelligence
neanderthal master race
the neanderthals also got a bit into the middle east and india
basicually anywhere with a civilization
@LOCKE HOLMES what countrhy
Im proud to be american
not really
You say UK do you mean New Pakistan?
Your goverment lets muslims rape your children and get away with it for 30 years
thosands of them
What about marine le pen then
would the french still be cucked if they elected her
She literally would have deported most of the muslims
You would prefer a leftist cuck who wants your race dead and has a mommy fetish over a traditionalist women who wants to save her people
i see why you dont like women but you are taking it a bit far
Smh i havent met richard spencer
why even live
Revolver, 3 pocket knifes and 2 butterflys
get on my level
Im in school and on discord get on my level cuck
@Gunslinger Same
Gen y is based
Im in fucken massachusetts
Gen Z is absed to the point that i am in a Massachusetts high school and most poeple are conservative
only its more liek 2/3 guys conservative slightly over half girls liberal
When i say the school is mostly conservative not fascist, i have to hide my power level to
only i have plenty of fellow faschist friends i dont have to hide it
It seems like if you are gen Z white and not in an urban area or cuckifornia you are right wing
@whytho better then liberals
My town is liberal and the adults are but the kids are right wing
Northern new york is based af
@whytho Racial makeup of your school mine is 98% white 2% asian that could explain the right wing side
@TheWesternWan They are mostly asian girls so...
But yah small school literally only like 6 asians
@TheWesternWan YEah that was a meme
Half asians are fine
i know a fascist half swede half jap
Asian men arent a threat really
just that there is a lot of them
asian women are ok to breed but only after you get some pure white kids first
They are a couple good white families in my town
5+ kids
they give me hope
smh my parents only had two kids but not by choice
If the kid you are adopting is white sure
it helps but still aint your kid
Is America more fucked then europe with the nignogs and spics or is europe screwed cause muslims
We already did
Rap is actually run by white men its a kike plot to keep black culture as shitty as possible and infect white culture
America created the idea of whiteness because we are mostly mixed european
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