Discord ID: 126802742134964224
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So what actually happened?
Why is Pef still a mod if he went apeshit?
Ninety fucking one
Who actually owns this server?
Why is @Squatting Slav cucked?
He's legit
Porn is degenerate
We did not all start in Afreaka
We're all positive here in the High fIVe club!
Emulators are okay
They definitely don't instill feeling to me
AVGN was much more articulate on the matter
dang I want to post my Zelda is redpill as fuck images
Well I posted the one in shitpost
The other is 10MB
23 and Me is owned by Amazon
Amazon Prime can no longer meet their obligations
2 day shipping? More like 7 days now
I try to buy everything local. For certain things its really fucking hard
shit I thought those were binoculars
who is this 4 chan
I don't think we'll ever know
print ("Hello, world")```
stop the presses
```Russians have infiltrated Facebook and Twitter to help Trump win```
The MSM seriously just can't give that shit up, can they?
That guy needs to swallow a shotgun
I love wine
and Scotch
and Cognac
We can talk about tax reform
He announced his plan. What was on it? I haven't had any time today to look at anything
guns, tits, and alcohol
And it simplifies tax codes
Saves time and money
upper middle class now
Although I"m a little gray on what middle class truly is
I probably itemize right now
Although the only deduction I can take is my mortgage
Youtube IS social media
A group text message falls into the realm of social media
@Fusion 9/11 and USS Liberty
I don't get to claim a lot of personal exemptions
I get my 2500/year claim for student loans
And I'm not even sure that actually does anything fo rme
The normal stuff that people itemize (kids, kidcare, health costs, etc) I have none of
I am an INTJ
To play devil's advocate
That's kind of what those mentally ill fluidgender, xer, xim, etc people are saying
It is
Rick and Morty is absolute trash
Unions are bad
REAL bad
This copy/paste is an eloquent way of showing how far the left has their head up their asses
```I don't want to pigeonhole a segment of youth population. My own experience in a privileged suburb that embraces some diversity, and also as a former teacher in urban Chicago with many active connections to former students leads me to conclude that the overwhelming use of personal communications technology has something to do with a lack of coherent culture and counter-culture at present. I think of it as a prolonged sea change in how people organize themselves.
XXXXXXX makes a good general point, however I am sadly in disagreement with the idea that there isn't still an overarching mainstream to counter. I don't know their experience, but I do mix among a variety of people with different class backgrounds. There are many working class white communities that continue to embrace a very traditional American culture. These people still think classic rock is as relevant as anything else for instance. It's a very stuck kind of crowd IMO. Many of the people I know from this background voted for Trump and it's not because they are overtly racist or unintelligent and I don't really know if they regret the decision. (Clearly I did not nor am I saying here that such a choice was wrong or right. I'm just using this as a current point of reference regarding a kind of cultural coherence.) I feel these people, among others, are holding on to a past ideal and are not comfortable with cultural change.
In some ways, comm tech has flattened the landscape. It's used everywhere in more or less the same kinds of ways - and very few of those ways actually open up the lines of communication between people of different backgrounds and beliefs. It could, but I don't see it so much.```
```Now, the older hippie-types (I consider myself between Boomer and GenX) all got a kick in the seat around the election and have started to really rally themselves using social media as a primary tool for coming together.
I think the potential for countering bits of culture is there. I think it is happening in small ways - and occasionally big ways (i.e. the NFL's current unity stance). I fear that younger generations - and I include the OP on the cusp of 'younger' if I may - have not forged identities that link them to a larger anti-authoritarian world-view. I also think that events will forge these communities as time goes by.
Unfortunately, in my view (which I will not defend in this thread), the largest threat to all of us is a global climate catastrophe that could be anywhere from 10 to 50 years away. We are not moving in sync to change our ways fast enough and this kind of threat could prevent a lot of more positive cultural changes as resources, both personal, national and international, become more and more focused on cleaning up the debris caused by weather disasters emblematic of this problem.
I hope we all live to see current and future generations find ways to battle injustice and inequality in the ways that stem from too much reliance on conventional 'wisdom' which is to basically wait until things get too bad before reacting with the will to make them better.```
Read that and cringe like fuck
It's not
Not sure with that preface
Oakland Raiders intentionally let their QB (a white guy) get sacked non-stop, dropping passes, and other shit.
The players were gloating about it
It is now
And now they're going to piss off Vegas bookies
100mph on the 5 between LA and SF is normal speed
Was that a question that actually tricked people?
What does being Swedish even mean now?
I'd say it was your wife but we all know you don't have one
Did they scream, "You're a fucking white male!"
How big was his house
I mean with 12 kids... jfc
Like 5k sq ft?
The teen years must have been awful in that household
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