Message from @bam

Discord ID: 363181168474062850

2017-09-29 04:11:55 UTC  

Although I"m a little gray on what middle class truly is

2017-09-29 04:12:09 UTC  

the way i understand it is you have income subtract standardized deduction and then thats it. If that doubles under trump then thats amazing (from 6000 to 12000)

2017-09-29 04:12:09 UTC  

Middle class bracket also goes from 28% to 25% I think

2017-09-29 04:12:32 UTC  

now media is saying its actually income - standardized deduction - personalized exemption

2017-09-29 04:13:02 UTC  

so your already subtracting more than 10000 by default without the trump change

2017-09-29 04:13:23 UTC  

I am pretty sure most middle classes people were not taking standard deduction, and were itieising instead

2017-09-29 04:13:57 UTC  

no. 70% of americans took standard deduction last year

2017-09-29 04:14:03 UTC  

which is why increasing it is awesome

2017-09-29 04:14:14 UTC

2017-09-29 04:15:06 UTC  

2013 so not very recent, about 50% of "middle class"

2017-09-29 04:15:56 UTC  

in 2013 i believe the irs said 63% took standardized deductions

2017-09-29 04:18:53 UTC  

so is there a personal exemption you can take in addition to standard?

2017-09-29 04:19:06 UTC  

my understanding is once you tak standard thats it your done

2017-09-29 04:20:18 UTC  

I probably itemize right now

2017-09-29 04:20:28 UTC  

Although the only deduction I can take is my mortgage

2017-09-29 04:25:44 UTC  

so there no personal exemption that u take?

2017-09-29 04:26:02 UTC  

ok media is wrong then the trump plan is awesome 😃

2017-09-29 04:29:47 UTC  

I don't get to claim a lot of personal exemptions

2017-09-29 04:29:57 UTC  

I get my 2500/year claim for student loans

2017-09-29 04:31:46 UTC  

And I'm not even sure that actually does anything fo rme

2017-09-29 04:32:18 UTC  

The normal stuff that people itemize (kids, kidcare, health costs, etc) I have none of

2017-09-29 12:08:00 UTC  

Trump’s tax plan makes sense if a fair tax/flat rate were passed

2017-09-29 12:36:38 UTC  

Yeah boi

2017-09-29 13:17:44 UTC  

It is a lovely morning

2017-09-29 13:18:43 UTC  

nice box m8

2017-09-29 13:19:15 UTC  


2017-09-29 13:59:40 UTC  

Liberal > Kekistan

2017-09-29 14:01:09 UTC  


2017-09-29 14:01:29 UTC  

but come on they have a sweet flag

2017-09-29 14:01:48 UTC  

I would love to have a flat tax passed in the USA

2017-09-29 14:02:30 UTC  

with possible tax reductions for groups that are in very desperate poverty

2017-09-29 14:02:40 UTC  

(if they are employed, no free gives)

2017-09-29 14:07:41 UTC  

What do you think about the new tax plan?

2017-09-29 14:11:13 UTC  

I think it will produce a very good business enviroment

2017-09-29 14:57:00 UTC  

Kekistan gets a bad rap

2017-09-29 14:57:11 UTC  

They’re the only ones going into the streets doing anything and they’re relatively harmless

2017-09-29 15:02:52 UTC  

Ok I wanna get serious up in here

2017-09-29 15:02:58 UTC  

So the jews run everything right

2017-09-29 15:03:13 UTC  

and they're also trying to destroy white people

2017-09-29 15:03:35 UTC  

but white people pretty much are the main producers of everything, so what happens then

2017-09-29 15:04:09 UTC  

jews get screwed along with the rest of the ethnicities