Message from @bam
Discord ID: 366771991673307146
Persians do well
@Exbawks Hueg i like Physics
And they succeeded
@Interdependences This is not a channel about physics
Then why are you here and not in a physics discord
What bothers me is the pride thing. It's OK to want to be black, brown, whatever. But not to be white
@Interdependences Go to <#356277996274843658> or <#350739775214583812>
I don't understand it
@Yaboku they wuz kangz
i find it very funny that christians support him
Whys that?
that picture
looks like bill clinton's wet dream
Some guy on here was adamant that the MSM was going to release a video of DJT getting a BJ from Ivanka
It turned out that was a lie
Opinions on Anne Coulter
did you guys see h1h1 video on anti republican ads?
its perdy good
Do they not realize they everybody basically moved house?
Do these people not research anything?
Yes, they do not research anything
Nothing is wrong with having your daughter on your lap, holy shit lol
Can we appreciate this is what Trump is doing by draining the swamp
Yes. Its amazing and although he hasnt done everything he has promised (Yet the liberals are making it hard), what he has done is amazing so far
Of course
Ben Shapiro had a video taken down for hate speech.
Do you think he's going to pull out his ace?
what do
It's too easy
not even going to do it