Message from @4450
Discord ID: 362839968038649856
give labrador some bacon
@Autistic Dog >asia
Russia is in asia
<@281509294203994113> islam is the religion of peace!
eurasia <:PepeSpecial:356316713429499905>
Bye bye
@4450 cause of the ass
cuz white men bred black women to have big lips to suck dick and big breasts and hips to be able to raise kids and not have as much birth risks
thats why black bitches are hot
lol what
latinas have the best asses
dude quit fucking shilling for islam
islam is a violent religion
are you sure you just don't like black women and are making some dumb ass excuse
Black bitches ain't hot
the peace thing is a shill
islam is satan's religion
thye are deceivers
I needdddd sextipede
all non christians are pretty much devil worshipers
whats with all the commie talk on voice chat
remove comie
satanism is just edgy teens trying to summon a boogyman to get back at the parents that give them rich kid privalig
why do i imagine debates with one person sitting there calm and collected and they're just sitting there spitting facts yet the other is talking bullshit yet they're yelling like they're preaching
I'm so fucked
satanism dont even worship satan
<:Ban:356316530859966475> @Fersurion <:Ban:356316530859966475>
i already checked
Hello @Fersurion !
I remember you from the philosophy server
aren't you the marxist guy
or communist or socialist or something
@Fersurion was right about the Jews.
same thing
what he say @TheWesternWan