Message from @StevePines -WA
Discord ID: 362992866894807050
@Jeb Hmm, I'd argue they both essentially do the same thing: Animated depictions of women, both are fantastical and unrealistic, and are mostly for depicting fetishes one cannot depict with live-action pornography
Admin drama
I hope noone swore <:MonkaGiga:362975800146001921>
@Fusion but talking about fucking them and sexualizing it is really fucked up
Literally 2005
However, furries derive sexual pleasure from identifying themselves as something they very clearly are not, and in some cases actually believe themselves to be animals in a human body.
Which is a perversion.
Aren't there two types of furries? Fursuit and fetish?
Also FRICK you
You have 7 options
7. Carbon Monoxide Inhalation
6. Sleeping Pills
5. Anesthesia
4. Lethal injection
3. Drowning
2. Hanging
1. Shooting in the Head or Heart
oops i dropped a <:shekel:362992757146386432> on my mic
@LOCKE HOLMES both are mentally ill
Quatro being a voice mod defies logic.
<:shekel:362992757146386432> <:shekel:362992757146386432> <:shekel:362992757146386432> <:shekel:362992757146386432> <:shekel:362992757146386432> <:shekel:362992757146386432> <:shekel:362992757146386432> <:shekel:362992757146386432> <:shekel:362992757146386432> <:shekel:362992757146386432> <:shekel:362992757146386432> <:shekel:362992757146386432> <:shekel:362992757146386432> <:shekel:362992757146386432> <:shekel:362992757146386432> <:shekel:362992757146386432> <:shekel:362992757146386432>
My porn site is the /gif/ board on fourchan.
@Maddy no worries i'll be full mod soon
<:wesmart:359946049588166657> <:shekel:362992757146386432>
_profusely rubs <:shekel:362992757146386432> 's_
@🚂Quatroking🚂 (🇳🇱) can't wait 👌🏻
The Leftovers is the best tv show of all time.
<:shekel:362992757146386432> <:shekel:362992757146386432> <:shekel:362992757146386432> <:shekel:362992757146386432> <:shekel:362992757146386432> <:shekel:362992757146386432> <:shekel:362992757146386432> <:shekel:362992757146386432> <:shekel:362992757146386432> <:shekel:362992757146386432>
<:shekel:362992757146386432> <:shekel:362992757146386432> <:shekel:362992757146386432> <:shekel:362992757146386432> <:shekel:362992757146386432> <:shekel:362992757146386432> <:shekel:362992757146386432> <:shekel:362992757146386432> <:shekel:362992757146386432> <:shekel:362992757146386432>
K, it's official