Message from @Sobaksu
Discord ID: 554745904352067586
going to beat my wife to cool off
F in the chat
oh no, his gonna throw us off the ice wall
@Human Sheeple I genuinly speak robot now please umute
oh ive just realised he might be trolling
wife beaten successfully
*okay he's trolling*
accidentally beheaded her but oh well silly me
why have i been muted
I wasnt
forgot to pull out didn't you
This is slander indeed I was making a southpark reference
I see
@✧Mike Flatbird (Mike Blackbird)✧ You make a fair point. So let me rephrase. Even though the Earth IS a sphere. It has been observed to be 'flat' by the Flat Earth Society yes? So that being said. Can the same 'logic' be used to prove every other spherical planet be proven to be flat?
un mute me
RIP mydadsinprison
my dad's in prison for abuse of a minor
I was genuinly having a good time
Chad please
Chad im so sorry for refernecing a southpark episode please let me explain
who is chad
quick question is this an unironic flat earth server
is he black
who here believes in flat earth?
because i don't like minorities
they disgust me
why not
@John69 - idk bout the FESoc, ..i could care less about 'em
and what they "observe"
true FEers have "measured" (or, lol TRIED TO... but no avail)
yeah nope ..we come home at dinnertime... with **zero** curvature in our pockets ____
-- another failed mission
@✧Mike Flatbird (Mike Blackbird)✧ i'll track your ip and throw you off a roof
I'll give you my Ip