Message from @Scary_Clown
Discord ID: 363139665022418956
How was everyone's day?
goes from tax code to charolettesville
i got 3 hours of sleep last night
@n//a if your msg, how you feel about. Ciaguy
idk why im still awake
@Deleted User d0e93084 I want the tax dollars to go to me instead of him
Because you might be obsessed with porn
<:FeelsBadMan:356316589689405440> @amygdala
23 and Me is owned by Amazon
@n//a lol
@bam Damn. I'm boycotting everything bezos.
@Scary_Clown why are you obsessed with a trap
Cutting out Amazon Prime really hurt, lol.
@Deleted User d0e93084 Also, I seen you furiously masturbating today through your webcam. What was that all about?
Cause scar is gay
how am I obsessed with a trap
Amazon Prime can no longer meet their obligations
2 day shipping? More like 7 days now
You keep randomly pinging amygdala
@n//a man has to masturbate nigga
@Scary_Clown you are one?
@AR no I don't?
I try to buy everything local. For certain things its really fucking hard
Scary faps to traps
Trust me, I know
Scary is a trap fapper
Scary loves traps guys
i've literally only mentioned amy twice in the entire history of this server
and both were during conversatinos
This server is new
The old server, on the other hand...