Message from @bam
Discord ID: 363139604125057024
How was everyone's day?
goes from tax code to charolettesville
i got 3 hours of sleep last night
@n//a if your msg, how you feel about. Ciaguy
idk why im still awake
@Deleted User d0e93084 I want the tax dollars to go to me instead of him
Because you might be obsessed with porn
<:FeelsBadMan:356316589689405440> @amygdala
23 and Me is owned by Amazon
@n//a lol
@bam Damn. I'm boycotting everything bezos.
@Scary_Clown why are you obsessed with a trap
Cutting out Amazon Prime really hurt, lol.
@Deleted User d0e93084 Also, I seen you furiously masturbating today through your webcam. What was that all about?
Cause scar is gay
how am I obsessed with a trap
Amazon Prime can no longer meet their obligations
2 day shipping? More like 7 days now
You keep randomly pinging amygdala
@n//a man has to masturbate nigga
@Scary_Clown you are one?
@AR no I don't?
I try to buy everything local. For certain things its really fucking hard
Scary faps to traps
Trust me, I know
Scary is a trap fapper
Scary loves traps guys
i've literally only mentioned amy twice in the entire history of this server
and both were during conversatinos
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