Message from @Deleted User d0e93084
Discord ID: 363173571750789120
```Russians have infiltrated Facebook and Twitter to help Trump win```
The MSM seriously just can't give that shit up, can they?
How should I murder this faggot?
3 our of 5 tinder profiles have "420" in their bio.
420 nigga
LMAO francis
that is so true
That guy needs to swallow a shotgun
420 nigg
i smoke that weed lmaoooooooooooooooooooo
dude but weed
I'm not a big fan of smoking.
Drinking? Hell yeah
i switched to smoking form drinking
alcohol makes me sick
alcohol is grossse
My favorite drink is Rum and Coke
i can drink moonshine tho
That's it
apple moonshine is the bomb
I love wine
and Scotch
and Cognac
do we have a chat to discuss things like the trump tax reform etc?
serious chat
i guess
or general
Hard cider is the best
i love apple cider
shits good