Message from @DaBears (Fritz_)
Discord ID: 363480551979745281
i can't keep track of all my boyfriends in here @VicariousJambi <:FeelsBadMan:356316589689405440>
My gf's health insurance went up another 50% this year.
@DaBears (Fritz_) <:PresidentSleeper:356316673612972032>
Shit sucks
There is nothing wrong with welfare for those who need it, that's what the country is supposed to do.
yes but
the fuck
sieg heil from israel comrades
@Juan Rico god damn I am not looking forward to dealing with that shit in a year
people abuse it
recommend me a movie for movie night
TFW ur parents pay for health insurance
@xX NegroSaki Samurai Xx Starship Troopers
poor baby in the backseat
Fuck Bernie
the tax reform is to help small buisness, remove the "Death tax" these buisness adn farmers face, and to make taxes a one page and done deal
@Grisk why do you want to fuck bernie
@VicariousJambi I like old jew ass
bernie is a crackpot socialist
Trump and Hilary are basically the same person
Never say the "H" word, always use "Bills wife"
hillary is not the same as trump
Do you need to be physically removed?
hillary litteraly 180'd since bill's presidency
everything she said she was for durring the election she was against in bills presidency
@Juan Rico only by u bb
@DaBears (Fritz_) shes always done anything for money.
Well @DaBears (Fritz_)... she does change direction a lot, but it might have to do with her Parkinson's
@ordosius of course she's a kike loving globalist
Fuck off cuckservatives, you guys have been riding on our backs. You try and pretend you are fascist and want to help the working class, but you're really just run of the mill conservatives
Guys! is masturbating gay because pleasuring a penis?
@Grisk if you wanna make a ddifference run for office
@DaBears (Fritz_) shes a literal pay for play politician. we even have proof of this and she could seriously be looking at jail time if her "friends" dont bail her out.