Message from @Juan Rico
Discord ID: 363480352129548300
with a picture of trump in my hand
fuck the brits
@DaBears (Fritz_) none of those help the working person.
ty god bless
tax reform does
He's just a wannabe fascists without the balls to actually do anything for the country
Income tax only really affects the working class.
cunt you said you never brin it up fucking liar@amygdala
Where is my boy KennyDF
He markets himself as a fascist
obama care litterally gets people futher into the welfare loop
i can't keep track of all my boyfriends in here @VicariousJambi <:FeelsBadMan:356316589689405440>
My gf's health insurance went up another 50% this year.
@DaBears (Fritz_) <:PresidentSleeper:356316673612972032>
Shit sucks
There is nothing wrong with welfare for those who need it, that's what the country is supposed to do.
yes but
the fuck
sieg heil from israel comrades
@Juan Rico god damn I am not looking forward to dealing with that shit in a year
people abuse it
recommend me a movie for movie night
TFW ur parents pay for health insurance
@xX NegroSaki Samurai Xx Starship Troopers
poor baby in the backseat
Fuck Bernie
the tax reform is to help small buisness, remove the "Death tax" these buisness adn farmers face, and to make taxes a one page and done deal
@Grisk why do you want to fuck bernie
@VicariousJambi I like old jew ass
bernie is a crackpot socialist
Trump and Hilary are basically the same person