Message from @ordosius
Discord ID: 363481263937552386
the tax reform is to help small buisness, remove the "Death tax" these buisness adn farmers face, and to make taxes a one page and done deal
@Grisk why do you want to fuck bernie
@VicariousJambi I like old jew ass
bernie is a crackpot socialist
Trump and Hilary are basically the same person
Never say the "H" word, always use "Bills wife"
hillary is not the same as trump
Do you need to be physically removed?
hillary litteraly 180'd since bill's presidency
everything she said she was for durring the election she was against in bills presidency
@Juan Rico only by u bb
@DaBears (Fritz_) shes always done anything for money.
Well @DaBears (Fritz_)... she does change direction a lot, but it might have to do with her Parkinson's
@ordosius of course she's a kike loving globalist
Fuck off cuckservatives, you guys have been riding on our backs. You try and pretend you are fascist and want to help the working class, but you're really just run of the mill conservatives
Guys! is masturbating gay because pleasuring a penis?
@Grisk if you wanna make a ddifference run for office
@DaBears (Fritz_) shes a literal pay for play politician. we even have proof of this and she could seriously be looking at jail time if her "friends" dont bail her out.
you like it i can tell
so i will continue
@WILLdaBeastXXX I don't suck my own dick because I'm concerned that it would feel less like having my dick sucked and more like sucking a dick
So yes
being a man is literally the gayest thing ever. theres a penis ATTACHED TO YOU
hillary took 5 mill form the ruler of Saudi Arabia for her "charity group"
Let's stop talking about gays and dicks. Right now.
@DaBears (Fritz_) As opposed to trump who gave money to those fucking muslism
ok ill just stick to using the dog. no gay here guys 👌
but you just mentiond gays and dicks, thats pretty dickish and gay
@Grisk So what do you suggest we do to fix our government?
@DaBears (Fritz_) the woman has done so many dirty things in the political world its a miracle that she isnt already in prison tbh. it just goes to show you how corrupt the swamp really is.
@Grisk we have trade with all countries idiot, it was probably for oil
@WILLdaBeastXXX Confirmed Canadian/Furry
@sithfreeman get an actual fascist president and stop elections, kick all the leeches out of positions of authority
Not all of us are cuckservative tho <:Thonk:362811285869559808> @Grisk
@CaptainDynamite you might be cool
Prison Architect is right.