Message from @Fusion
Discord ID: 364291072433848321
Or a bump fire stock, or a hellfire trigger.
any staff online?
some fag sent me a link to his server lemme get screen caps
pm me @Kim Jong Skill listen to police scanner
mass casuality situation
God help them
Use this on him
@Fusion sorry we dont violate discord terms of service here
In an allegorical sense, Jesus
pronounced "hay-suess"
@Fusion sorry bukko but discord devs and journalist :^)
>looks for Discord devs in this chat
also pretty sure we scared whats-her-name off.
you are mis informed 🙂
Thats the concert... you can hear the gunshots
holy shit. Full autoed a whole clip
@ItsABeautifulDayToBeAlive i enjoy your name
I wonder where he got the weapon from.
at least 2 FA guns and 3 shooters is what ive heard
supposed to be 20+ dead
Also, no reason to kowtow to whats-her-name. She can't actually do anything without legitimate pretenses, and we haven't done anytthing. :\
inc. 1 cop and one security
No no.
32nd floor
This would take more intellectual capacity to pull off than a gang could come up with.
Guess the gun control debate can start back up tomorrow. <:FeelsBadMan:356316589689405440>
Probably Islamic terrorist attack.