
Discord ID: 197110530928803840

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2017-09-28 01:04:27 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

so who owns this server then?

2017-09-28 01:11:47 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

By the way, whoever set the bot to mass pm people....
is going to get banned

2017-09-28 01:11:56 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

Due to a violation of discord ToS

2017-09-28 01:12:07 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

so.......brilliant work I suppose.

2017-09-28 01:12:13 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

idk Apparently Gabe owns this server now.

2017-09-28 01:12:18 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

He used to work with Milo

2017-09-28 01:12:20 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  


2017-09-28 01:12:50 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

have no idea.

2017-09-28 02:01:07 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  


2017-09-28 02:02:00 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

well lol

2017-09-28 02:05:52 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  


2017-09-28 02:09:09 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

This server will go well,

2017-09-28 02:09:12 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

I'm sure....lmao

2017-09-28 02:12:52 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

The likely-hood of this server dying in about a week flat is quite high.

2017-09-28 02:13:34 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

@xX NegroSaki Samurai Xx that's against Discord ToS

2017-09-28 02:15:22 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

@amygdala ................who is that in your profile picture?

2017-09-28 02:15:23 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  


2017-09-28 02:15:28 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

Is it.............a woman?

2017-09-28 02:15:31 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  


2017-09-28 02:15:33 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  


2017-09-28 02:15:43 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalrighty then

2017-09-28 02:16:17 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  
2017-09-28 02:16:23 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

@Thor hello

2017-09-28 02:17:06 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

TFW only owner never to be couped <:tbhfam:356316888109940738>

2017-09-28 02:19:51 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  


2017-09-28 02:19:58 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

This server will probably die out soon enough,

2017-09-28 02:20:21 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

@amygdala BEGONE THOT

2017-09-28 02:20:28 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  


2017-09-28 02:20:39 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

lol @xX NegroSaki Samurai Xx thanks for the role.

2017-09-28 02:21:31 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

Lol no, idiots on the internet always stirring shit ruined it.

2017-09-28 02:22:08 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

>having adult conversastions about changes.
>deciding instead to ruin server and mass pm peopele breaking Discord ToS

2017-09-28 02:25:04 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

New Server is somehow worse.

2017-09-28 02:25:08 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  


2017-09-28 02:25:13 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

>using a bot to ban people.

2017-09-28 02:25:14 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  


2017-09-28 03:58:00 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  


2017-09-28 03:58:39 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  
2017-09-28 03:58:44 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

what did I do to you?

2017-09-28 03:58:46 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  


2017-09-28 03:58:58 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

? English ?

2017-09-28 03:59:17 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

>le ebinn just
are you retarded?

2017-09-28 04:00:21 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  


2017-09-28 04:00:49 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  


2017-09-28 04:00:56 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  


2017-09-28 04:01:21 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

Pefimous or Composers.

2017-09-28 04:01:24 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  


2017-09-28 04:03:09 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  


2017-09-28 04:03:12 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  


2017-09-30 03:49:55 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  


2017-09-30 03:49:58 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  


2017-09-30 03:50:14 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  


2017-09-30 03:50:26 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

The Jews did 9/11, btw.

2017-09-30 03:50:30 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  


2017-09-30 03:52:21 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

@Nationalist Crusader IV We don't like the Irish round these parts.

2017-09-30 03:53:34 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  


2017-10-01 00:41:30 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  


2017-10-01 00:41:38 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

that's the guy that paid me for reddit stuff <:tbhfam:356316888109940738>

2017-10-01 00:42:04 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

@king he pays well. ๐Ÿ˜„

2017-10-01 00:42:17 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  


2017-10-01 00:42:46 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

@king probably pays better than Milo <:tbhfam:356316888109940738>

2017-10-01 00:42:56 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  


2017-10-01 00:43:00 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  


2017-10-01 00:43:13 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

@king You the bottom in that relationship?

2017-10-01 00:43:17 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  


2017-10-01 00:43:45 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

"How do you take your Nationalism?"

2017-10-01 00:44:24 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

Why not just call this server Nimble America? ๐Ÿค”

2017-10-01 00:44:28 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  


2017-10-01 00:46:44 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

@king No judging, everybody needs that Green, somehow.

2017-10-01 00:46:45 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  


2017-10-01 03:34:41 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

The Jews did 9/11. and traps are still worse.

2017-10-01 03:35:12 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  
2017-10-01 03:36:11 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

@Composers lol ok

2017-10-01 03:36:21 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

why you heff to be mad? ยฏ\_(ใƒ„)_/ยฏ

2017-10-01 03:36:27 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

@ah no

2017-10-01 03:36:37 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

@amygdala because people I know are in here.

2017-10-01 03:36:39 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

Such as?

2017-10-01 03:37:08 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  


2017-10-01 03:37:35 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

I haven't been in leadership or dealt with CC mod stuff for more than 8 months.

2017-10-01 03:38:03 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

but ya'll are still hung up on me. for some reason.

2017-10-01 03:38:26 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  


2017-10-01 03:38:53 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

yea me too

2017-10-01 03:39:01 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

it was on inauguration day, in January

2017-10-01 03:39:14 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

Yet people still get triggered for some reason.

2017-10-01 03:40:57 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  


2017-10-01 03:43:34 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

tom's toothpaste, lmao

2017-10-01 03:43:36 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

old meme

2017-10-01 03:43:44 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

but i member

2017-10-01 03:44:12 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

it's been like 9 months since those days

2017-10-01 03:44:21 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  


2017-10-01 03:44:29 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

a bunch of people since then aren't even on discord anymore

2017-10-01 03:45:18 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

@trent yea a lot of people just started focusing more on real life

2017-10-01 03:45:39 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

yea nice one

2017-10-01 03:45:40 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  


2017-10-01 03:46:37 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  


2017-10-01 03:46:39 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  


2017-10-01 03:47:01 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

๐Ÿ‡ซ al

2017-10-01 03:47:15 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

wtf is that

2017-10-01 03:47:35 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

that meme came from the templars lmao

2017-10-01 03:49:45 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

lmao most of these are super old

197 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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