Discord ID: 315608179889143810
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She's a dude
Amy's our resident trap
It's ok to joke about anything
That's awesome
It's a ghost town over there
And the girth
I want President Trump to call someone a cuck
I'll piss myself laughing
I heard they're thinking about renaming a street after that woman
Newports are brutal
Can you complete a thought before pressing enter? Please? @cat
@Emir Tambor No
There's still time
What is that supposed to be?
Yeah, starvation rocks
What exactly is a squirt pillow?
I really wish I hadn't looked up squirt pillow. <:FeelsBadMan:356316589689405440>
You should greet him with Damnit Bobby
@KennyD It's HotBoi
Bunny's an admin over there. <:PepeSpecial:356316713429499905>
Your pizza ever show up?
Their pan pizza's damn good
They should invest in bigger pans though. The biggest size is medium.
Wasn't dota a mod?
Put KennyD in charge. Let's make this Slayer Central
Hawaiian pizza's pretty good
Hitler was a sensitive man
@KennyD I was referencing the AxCx song, but that's pretty cool
They used their money for wallpaper
@KennyD Seems fitting for the current topic. And it's just a badass song.
What keeps popping up?
@KennyD My old band covered Scars of the Crucifix
@KennyD That might be my favorite LoG album
@KennyD Weird gimmick, but this shit's good.
I've got a black lab / plott hound mix. Best dog I've ever known
As in the house was 20k, or she pitched in 20k?
Ah, ok
Better pay her off asap
What's going on with spain?
@raptorclaw 66 Add "Hitler Was a Sensitive Man" by Anal Cunt
That should be the new server icon
That's for sure
Horns up
It's beautiful
Raise your horns
It's sad how accurate that is
I'd love to see some rinos get primaried
I think this election got a lot of people into politics
I was on Twitter until 4 am that night
I couldn't get enough
Wouldn't a vpn have been easier?
Guess the gun control debate can start back up tomorrow. <:FeelsBadMan:356316589689405440>
pol sure is a sensitive bunch
It's already next to impossible to get machine guns
Exhibit A: Nice, France
When you first start smoking, yeah. Hell of a head rush
Maria's having a baby
Were you dressing like a whore?
Practically begging for it
Y'all think I could get social security checks if I claimed to be trans-elderly?
@Deleted User d0e93084 I won't spoil it, but Enzo's promo is great.
@KennyD It doesn't even look out of place
was was?
Did anyone else watch that video .CIA Guy shared?
@!๐๐ป๐ฝ๐ฒ๐ฎ ๐๐ฎ๐ท๐ญ๐ป๐ช๐ฐ๐ธ๐ท That last video made me retarded
@!๐๐ป๐ฝ๐ฒ๐ฎ ๐๐ฎ๐ท๐ญ๐ป๐ช๐ฐ๐ธ๐ท That shittyflute has me crying. How do you find this stuff?
That Shittyflute channel might be the best thing ever
She looks like a man
Would that be necrophilia?
Ass hair dreadlocks
Yup. Can't keep blacks in physical chains anymore, so now they use welfare to enslave them.
I'm shocked! Shocked, I tell you.
It's a trap
Scary's a horndog. Run while you can
Neuro Linguistic Programming?
Damn I'm good
When it's happened to me, I've been able to open my eyes
She's 14. I don't think she's gone full blown leftist yet
Have you tried reconnecting?
That's odd. Does everything else work on desktop?
You've already tried closing and reopening the discord window?
@WeWillNeverYield Huh. Well I'm stumped. Sorry.
Illegals are parasites
Build two walls and a minefield
Anyone who makes it through gets a green card
Talk to people who have been working in the trades for a while. Roofers, electricians, carpenters, etc. Ask them about how they've been impacted by illegals.
Now all the legal businesses have to lower their costs to remain competitive
Is lesbians divorce, which one gets half?
check the commands channel
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