Message from @Citizen Z
Discord ID: 554843945641836559
Yes, and completely flawed, people have known for hundreds of years it's a globe
it definetly can. please prove how it couldn't work. Despite the fact that most people believe the mercator projection is a proper design of what the world looks like
In my physics and astronomy class we like to make fun of these people and poke holes in their theories
@Buddha Are you a genuine flat earther?
Cuz all this talk of people who genuinly believe the earth is flat is lowkey scaring me
school is your indoctrination into a false system of control to make you into a good obedient slave
No, but I'd like to understand the theory and it's evidence, not just stupid rambling, I need facts and I thought this server might have What I seek
who said about me and CSGO? xD
I genuinly have lost 50 brain cells since I got here.
Alright, @It's A Joke has been warned for '**Capital letters**'.
Way to abuse your powers. Can't take the truth
And what is this truth
Unmute me let me state my views
This is actually giving me a headache.
bro im muted and ur chatting shit
Here I'll oblige you
!mute @It's A Joke#0001
if you don't like it here you are free to leave
>>mute @It's A Joke
<:vSuccess:390202497827864597> Successfully muted **It's A Joke**#0001
This server is utterly stupid.
I seek facts and all you people do is tell me it's Photoshop and school has brainwashed me
@Buddha it's Photoshop and school has brainwashed you.
School has indoctrinated you
Yes it has
Read the book The Giver
Cleanse me
people like you ruin the world. And now the fact is that this stuff is not to be messed with. Especially vaccinations
!mute @Slowly-Dying
Slowly#5611 (246017341211541514) is now muted for '**Unspecified.**', alright? <:THUMBSUP6:403560443345371137>