Message from @Yaziwa
Discord ID: 554843906286813192
But saying that you guys are woke is a different story. The flat earther movement - in my opinion - is stupid
@Slowly-Dying the globe is stupid
Cant work
Yes, and completely flawed, people have known for hundreds of years it's a globe
it definetly can. please prove how it couldn't work. Despite the fact that most people believe the mercator projection is a proper design of what the world looks like
In my physics and astronomy class we like to make fun of these people and poke holes in their theories
@Buddha Are you a genuine flat earther?
Cuz all this talk of people who genuinly believe the earth is flat is lowkey scaring me
school is your indoctrination into a false system of control to make you into a good obedient slave
No, but I'd like to understand the theory and it's evidence, not just stupid rambling, I need facts and I thought this server might have What I seek
who said about me and CSGO? xD
I genuinly have lost 50 brain cells since I got here.
Alright, @It's A Joke has been warned for '**Capital letters**'.
Way to abuse your powers. Can't take the truth
Unmute me let me state my views
This is actually giving me a headache.
@It's A Joke u r not muted
bro im muted and ur chatting shit
Here I'll oblige you
!mute @It's A Joke#0001
if you don't like it here you are free to leave
>>mute @It's A Joke
<:vSuccess:390202497827864597> Successfully muted **It's A Joke**#0001
This server is utterly stupid.
I seek facts and all you people do is tell me it's Photoshop and school has brainwashed me
@Buddha it's Photoshop and school has brainwashed you.
School has indoctrinated you
Yes it has
Read the book The Giver
Cleanse me