Message from @futurestorms
Discord ID: 365345365257355267
Yup. Can't keep blacks in physical chains anymore, so now they use welfare to enslave them.
im moving out finally i hope i go into crippling debt and become homeless
and guess who introduced welfare @Mudvaynian
the democrats
Under Johnson.
Ok. I've had a few tonight. And before i say stuff that i may regret: thank you all. Thank you all for the mad corners and strange areas i end up in being here. Thank you for all the laughs, cringe and for the allegiance.
It really means a lot.
I'm shocked! Shocked, I tell you.
under franklin d roosevelt
@Scary_Clown We need to rise up
Him too
fuck FDR
@chelds you have done some squats
in all honesty i rarely work out @WeWillNeverYield
its the stress eating it goes straight to my thighs<:OKTrump:356316632567513088>
Don't worry goyim, big pharma will save you! @chelds
Don't forget your Prozac!
@Queef Madagascar woah is that you in your pfp? 🤤
Slap my thicc ass
@WeWillNeverYield pls don't compliment my girls thighs
it's weird
@Scary_Clown lol
i have so much fucking homework
<@253324667295629314> no spamming, duder
@chelds I can help u
It's a trap
Scary's a horndog. Run while you can