Message from @WeWillNeverYield
Discord ID: 365345021899309067
Me: always drinking, never shrinking
In FY 2011, federal spending on means-tested welfare, plus state contributions to federal programs, reached $927 billion per year. Roughly half of this welfare assistance, or $462 billion went to families with children, most of which are headed by single parents.
pretty solid evidence that welfare promotes single parent homes
Yup. Can't keep blacks in physical chains anymore, so now they use welfare to enslave them.
im moving out finally i hope i go into crippling debt and become homeless
and guess who introduced welfare @Mudvaynian
the democrats
Under Johnson.
Ok. I've had a few tonight. And before i say stuff that i may regret: thank you all. Thank you all for the mad corners and strange areas i end up in being here. Thank you for all the laughs, cringe and for the allegiance.
It really means a lot.
I'm shocked! Shocked, I tell you.
under franklin d roosevelt
@Scary_Clown We need to rise up
fuck FDR
@chelds you have done some squats
papa bless. I have to go return some videotapes..
in all honesty i rarely work out @WeWillNeverYield
its the stress eating it goes straight to my thighs<:OKTrump:356316632567513088>
Don't worry goyim, big pharma will save you! @chelds
Don't forget your Prozac!
@Queef Madagascar woah is that you in your pfp? 🤤
Slap my thicc ass
@WeWillNeverYield pls don't compliment my girls thighs
it's weird
@Scary_Clown lol
i have so much fucking homework
<@253324667295629314> no spamming, duder