Message from @bobrossismygod

Discord ID: 555423662581481483

2019-03-13 16:13:26 UTC  

the earth is a frisbee

2019-03-13 16:13:30 UTC  

@Seeker of Truth btw, I have had an open mind with a flat earthener, but he actually had arguments to defend his cause, something that you are lacking when ur trying to explain with ur " evidence "

2019-03-13 16:13:31 UTC  

@RottanMamma you must unlearn the false system you have been brainwashed in order to understand the truth

2019-03-13 16:13:33 UTC  

it's a plate

2019-03-13 16:13:45 UTC  

its a plate xD

2019-03-13 16:13:56 UTC  

the earth is actually shrek ma dudes

2019-03-13 16:13:57 UTC  

You're the one that's brainwashed

2019-03-13 16:13:57 UTC  

god threw the earth and could never catch it obv

2019-03-13 16:13:59 UTC  

its literally impossible for it to be flat

2019-03-13 16:14:01 UTC  

earth is round

2019-03-13 16:14:09 UTC  

Michael Talbott, Holographic Universe, outstanding book I recommend you all read it

2019-03-13 16:14:16 UTC  

theyve literally proven that. just like they have with it being round

2019-03-13 16:14:16 UTC  

earth is a globe

2019-03-13 16:14:23 UTC  

and lose even more braincells, no thx @Human Sheeple

2019-03-13 16:14:28 UTC  

round and nice like a nice formed ass

2019-03-13 16:14:32 UTC  

@👑KingAubameyang⚡ It's impossible for you to bend large bodies of water, so it's impossible for the Earth to not be apparently mostly locally flat under specific weather conditions

2019-03-13 16:14:33 UTC  

so the stars are also a hologram? right

2019-03-13 16:14:46 UTC  

@bobrossismygod Feel free to leave the server

2019-03-13 16:14:52 UTC  

are stars flat too?

2019-03-13 16:14:59 UTC  

@Scraps Measurement of a star please?

2019-03-13 16:15:20 UTC  

a sun

2019-03-13 16:15:24 UTC  

can i plz become verified truther?

2019-03-13 16:15:25 UTC  

i bet you think gravity is also fake? @Human Sheeple

2019-03-13 16:15:26 UTC  

Prove stars are suns

2019-03-13 16:15:32 UTC  

yeah stars are flat like these flat earthers

2019-03-13 16:15:33 UTC  
2019-03-13 16:15:36 UTC  

lol the sun is a star

2019-03-13 16:15:47 UTC  

the stars does the same thing as a sun, only that the sun is closer

2019-03-13 16:15:47 UTC  

and stars vary in measurement

2019-03-13 16:15:48 UTC  

@Scraps Prove with cause and effect that the sun is a star

2019-03-13 16:15:54 UTC  

@Scraps Ever measured a star?

2019-03-13 16:16:01 UTC  

ever seen the ice wall?

2019-03-13 16:16:05 UTC  

no the sun is also a hologram @Scraps

2019-03-13 16:16:13 UTC  

oh yea my b lol

2019-03-13 16:16:21 UTC  

same goes for the moon xD

2019-03-13 16:16:22 UTC

2019-03-13 16:16:24 UTC  


2019-03-13 16:16:31 UTC  

no have *you* seen it?

2019-03-13 16:16:40 UTC  

I can give pics of the sun

2019-03-13 16:16:45 UTC  

I mean why dont yall just get one of ur most trusted ppl to fly around the earth to see that its round flat eartheners?

2019-03-13 16:16:45 UTC  

so what happens when you walk in that direction?