Message from @VicariousJambi
Discord ID: 369499587922362368
Mentally disabled people make me upset
wtf is this shit
read it
did that cuck get banned
please do not mention that monstrosity ever again
Is there a big overlap between weebs and furfags?
well if you hate traps I have some bad news
@Mudvaynian yes
just ask brit
Most furries are traps
Degenerates doing degeneracy ?
Who woulda thunk
<:thinkstare:362224493562691584> <:ThinkStare:368944946725519371> <:thinkstare:362224493562691584> <:ThinkStare:368944946725519371>
oh I forgot
how many
do you only come on here on the pot?
I am high rn
I do it because I have anxiety
It's prescribed
Self prescribed
muh mental disorders arent real
Some people have it worse than others, and some people it stops them from functioning.
Sure, it's over prescribed and shit, but that doesnt mean its not a real thing
It's not something they get to choose about, they just have it.
Hippity hoppity conservatives are property
That's not how anxiety works. There's nothing to confront. They just get more anxious then normal people.