Message from @ᴹᵃʳᵗⁱⁿᵃ
Discord ID: 555487024342368266
so far there have been 0 peer reviewed medical studies posted
_so we know its not doctored_
to me there is no medical data provided at the moment
>literally still no studies
then hiw
can u
That's it
say that this is true
so there are no studies showing that anti-vax > vax?
If there are no studies
seems kinda
oH nO thErE is no studies... wonder why?
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) report minor side effects from the MMR-V and MMR vaccines to include low-grade fever, injection site redness or rash, pain at the injection site, and facial swelling. Moderate side effects include a full body rash, temporary low platelet count, temporary stiffness and pain the joints and seizures, and seizures. 1 2 MMR-V, however, has been noted to have a higher risk of seizures than separate administrations of MMR and varicella vaccines, especially when given as the first dose of the series.3 Rare serious side effects of both MMR-V and MMR include brain damage, coma, chronic seizure disorder, lowered level of consciousness and loss of hearing.
All this says to me is that people can _rarely_ have a severe immuno response to foreign objects, just like they would if the naturally came into contact with these objects
There is only vitl statistics and claims by the national vaccine inkjury compensation program. The system is working AS DESIGNED. To practice OBSCURANTISM
Wait what’s happening
Oh it’s about vaccines
vaccines help people
Yeah vaccinate your kids guys
unless u wan them to die
or get very sick
@Deleted User so... ur saying you would rather die of the symptoms that would kill u ?
than have minor side effects
that arent proven
in any way
This one family in my neighborhood lost their son bc he wasn’t vaccinated and got something