Message from @whytho
Discord ID: 370568201148301324
Imagine thinking Scary orbits women
@! Q ! Basically every version of Centipede Central failed because of either two things
>Women are equal to men and belong in politics
Anime and women
i just did an evp session and i swear i recorded the woah meme
@king the only thing ruining the women is scary harassing them
Ive never seen Scary orbit a woman before, Ive seen him put his life on the line for his fellow brothers and Kings.
@VicariousJambi you are a mental midget
You obviously are a newfag
lol it's funny when he says they're his girlfriend and they don't know what he's talking about
**every version of centipede central in the past was either ruined by anime or a woman**
there is no exception
so i did some quick searching on the whole Assange getting kicked out of the embassy thing, and it doesnt look like anything is going to happen
Scary cares about all of us.
Scary wants his brothers to thrive.
alright then he should cut his legs off for us <- enhanced audio for woah meme evp
if assange gets fucked over its a slippery slope dude
@whytho Than why have I seen him do <@&350743889667424256>ed things, both here and old CC. Things that literally got him <@&350743889667424256>ed.
Women just need to be raised sticter, men need to be raised with masculinity.
The people who think scary is actually some like crazy goober asking everyone for vagene pics is retarded
if scary really loved us he would cut off his penis
its always been a joke
does anyone actually think assange should go to prison
@stupid getting the knife right now nigger
agreed, i did run into some new articles from like 17th 18th October where hillary was bashing Assange saying hes a tool of the Russian govt, etc.
@king do you want me to post ss of him doing so?
@VicariousJambi sure