Message from @Chibbling
Discord ID: 555970069105213450
Hubble. 😄
then how do they not found on the ground
are they
@The Gwench hi
That telescope in the back of that plane is very impressive
is that real
All you do is send pictures, but don't explain them
yes the rocket / shuttle arcing is real
satillite image you couldnt see them
the earth is big they are small
@Seeker of Truth tho in their defense they will say they cant see the satellites in the nasa live feed because they are not even 10m in size
if you go into space you can see them
those are some of the failed attempts
So creepy/
there are sucessful ones but spamming fake flawed images with no proff gets nowhere and only adds to the bad reputation already mustered to you and your backwards community only trying to see flaws in the world because of your own insecurities and trust issues @Seeker of Truth
you beg to find problems then explain them
no @wobblyboost that is just the aft end of Grumman F-14 Tomcat showing the arresting gear for carrier landing
I have a question if the earths flat what is the sun
and the moon